Updated War Statistics

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by oG-KinGstyleZ, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. After reading KAW's war log idea and taking a look at it myself I believe l it's a step towards making EE wars better but I like to see it changed to something like this in war logs as shown below. These are just random numbers but you guys can see the point I'm trying to make hopefully. I did post this in the actual war log thread but felt it wouldn't be seen as easily hence the thread. Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.

    Cr 6 - King StyleZ

    Plunder earnt - 3,456,342,129
    Plunder lost/leaked - 241,564,932
    True plunder - 3,214,777,197

    Outgoing hits
    attack - 34/39
    Scout - 35-56
    Assa - 0/2
    Stls - 0/0

    Atk - 4/10
    Sb - 9/21
    Assa - 0/4
    Stl - 0/5

    KOes -
    Ako - 1
    Sct - 2
    Stl - 0
    Assa - 0

    SKO - 2
    Xstals used - 1/1
  2. Full Support :)
    The Current System By devs is Good But This Will be The best arrangement Possible and shouldn't be too hard to implement eitherī€Ž
  3. Support , but they should also have xtal-less rounds here n there :)
  4. great idea!!!
  5. Plunder earned*
  6. The other system is nice, as it shows the progression of the war as it goes on. However maybe a compromise between the two? Like a way to watch the war go on, and see the cumulative stats?
  7. If he didnt xstal it would read1/2