Yeah Cynder, multiple accounts and a lack of credit cards are why droid users are getting the error. :roll: /EndSarcasm #Cyn4Mod2016
I think you two are failing to follow the business plan here. It's a sale noob, it's supposed to create urgency.
FYI for iPhone users... I don't know if it was just my Wifi connection (I don't usually have those issues) but I didn't receive my items/purchase until I closed down the app completely and re-opened it.
Put some decent stuff on there and I'll think about it. You're seriously trying to sell me speakers?!?! Speakers=crap
I actually think this is good for the game. We don't have to wait till Black Friday every year to spend. Every now and then can have a good sale going on. Plus, a few top 10 grossing apps that are war games have similar features. So for the sake of Kaw, it's progress. I liked the sale I got today.
You'll be able to buy the sale you see on any given day once. However you may see the same sale again at a later date.
Really??? They only have to pay $4.99???? I have to pay $7.99, please reduce prices for Aussie users devs
In the long run yeah. More cashflow athinkingape generates from Kaw, more content we will receive. Those of us that play do want the app to be moving forward. Plus, nobody is forcing you to click buy.
Do you have any source for a correlation between profit and content released? Also I just don't want to have to see it immediately when I log in, and I don't want to see battle cry sale whenever I go to hit an eb.