Introducing Daily Sales

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. This is nice. Not that I have anything to spend, but the people that do get a nice surprise.
  2. I Cant buy offer. Says I need to sign in wth?
  3. Wow devs been roasting players thankful they missed me ^_^
  4. That's what I'm getting also.
  5. Yea what they said
  6. You should probably stop having multiple accounts on one device.

    Or get more credit cards.

  7. I'd also like the video ads to watch as well so I can spin the spinner without spending thanks.
  8. I actually support this. People are complaining about prices and seals cost to much etc. I'm paying less for more. Good idea Devs, if you don't support it pay that extra couple of dollars, but in the long run its gonna bite you in the ass.
  9. not happy

    This game is becoming like game of war. All devs care about is money, money, money. Daily sales, 25% eb plunder, events after events.
  10. I don't support the obstruction and noticeability of these sales and the battle cry. Have whatever sale you want, don't force it in my face.
  11. So $100 sale would be 200 xstals and 2000 nobs kool
  12. We're looking into the Google Play errors now all. Thanks for your patience.
  13. It will take longer than 30 mins to fix it :)
  14. Also, as others have said, a big frown at the fact it looks more and more like Game of War. Please try to be a little unique and don't completely follow the sellout trend.

    I downloaded game of war once, saw it trying to get me to fork out money (even though I just downloaded the game), causing me to close the app and delete it forever.
  15. Btw thanks for moving battle cry out of the way.
  16. 30 minutes time limit is too much pressure. Makes me feel like I am at car dealership and getting pressured to buy. Please extend it to 3 hrs or something.

    Additionally, what about those that logon in morning before drive to work. Can't buy the sale in 30 minutes while driving. I see the 30 minutes limit and time pressure to make impulse buy technique but extend it to 3 hrs or 12 hrs is even better.
  17. Someone did not look into the offer before posting, excuse their ignorance oh great kaw com. Way to gallos with that fool!!!
  18. You can't buy the sale while driving but you can manage to login and check on your game? Is it that hard to make a purchase? It's only a fingerprint scan on the new iPhones