Devs - A New Era?

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Seth, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. The developers of ape town have surprised me. The communication between the community and the development team has been astonishing lately. I'm impressed.

    Season 5 was nice. Devs pitched some ideas for feedback instead of just rolling something out.

    The events lately have been much more pleasing. The feedback/response from Devs has been really awesome.

    Don't even get me started on lowland wars, you've outdone yourselves Devs.

    From the bottom of my empty pocket, I thank you Devs ️ don't blow it though. This makes the game better.
  2. Atleast it aint another complaint thread, I guess.
  3. Devs should give me free mith though
  4. I completely agree.

    I guess they got tired of hearing people complain.

    But yes, things are looking up.
  5. A cabbage does not have ears but that does not mean that he is immune to your lies
  6. My last game there was 0 communication left because of that.
  7. Devs seem to be making steps in the right direction. I hope they continue to do so and show they're listening.
  8. Would be nice if players could assist in helping them process some of the stuff. Like programs to visualize wars instead of being cited tou. (Not like people don't use 3rd party tracking software at all)
  9. +1
  10. Shame they waited until the game lost all its players to do this stuff.
  11. I'm excited to see what the devs have in store. With all the updates that effect the gameplay being better and not just catering to those that pay, it actually makes me want to spend. Seeing as the devs are appearing to care more and more about player ideas/wants!
  12. The game hasn't lost all it's players. It ain't about to die like everyone keeps saying either :lol:
  13. Seems they only waited until Redstar stopped shelling out cash :lol:
  14. Agreed. Devs are doing well for us
  15. You are falling for their trap! They will release small updates like this to entice you to start paying again then it's back to zta promos!!

    Jk keep rolling out these UI changes devs...its a nice change from the nonstop event only announcement threads
  16. Maybe you.

    They won't even get us VK'S a damn blanket. We're all freezing to death.
  17. Wow! Look at all the ass kissing on this thread. Nobody is mentioning the devs basically made EE pointless by reducing mith payouts?

    How about even after two petitions they still refuse to give Asia a decent wartime?
  18. Best troll thread yet.
  19. Dear god ...hey you have something on your nose....spoiler alert it's an ape turd