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Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by CoS-Dillybar, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. Levels 7-10 give large boosts to cs and plunder.
  2. Oooh so the buildings need to be lvl 7
  3. No
  4. Ok well now I am confused
  5. Well even when you just slap it down at level 1 that's a plunder boost  doesn't need to be high level they will just give more plunder.
  6. Well I knew that much. I've been told that the abyss lands give huge bonuses to MP, and I was just curious as to when those bonuses will become obvious
  7. Couple of queries...
    1) How are the Abyss Lands explored?
    2) What's the difference between an advantage war and a lowland war with respect to KOs?
  8. You need the hoarfrost explored to unlock next land set.
  9. Can unlock abyss at 15 hoarfrost explored.

    Advantage wars you get to choose when you come out of ko and the lowland wars are random so kaw chooses when you come out of ko.
  10. Do beastiary's still give an additional two attacks when unloading?
  11. They do i suppose, but you are better off building a CoE or a lv1 elven temple (14 extra hits)
  12. 15 extra
  13. An elven temple allows 41 hits per unload?

  14. At an hour and a half to full regen

  15. Its pretty broken when in ee someone has a level 1 elven temple and a level 1 ice tree and the other guy doesn't pretty sure its not meant to be like this devs are just to lazy to fix it. Out of ee sure I don't really see a huge difference you regen at the same rate as normal only difference is when you are xtalling.

    Edit: if it wasnt broken it would be on all levels not just level 1 its a glitch that hasn't been fixed simple as that.
  16. but if you don't have the time to unload every hour or so, this is more useful as it allows more hits overall
  17. That's true, but its still broken.
  18. It also helps in osw in theory because if you're getting stripped you stay DTW longer since it's a % troop thing I believe.
  19. The regen rate is the same up until the last 10%
  20. Ah well rip