LL Wars.. It's a Team War.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by JustKilo, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. So as we all know the mith payout for LL wars isn't all that glamorous. 20 successful actions to get 20 mith isn't helping make this war type appealing to anyone. Mith should be awarded as a clan win. Most clans do not setup their wars for individual purposes, it's done so you can war with people you know and win.

    No inactives(usually, unless you are a merc war clan), you know your fellow members have xstals, and they will live up to your expectations. So it should only be natural that mith be awarded to the clan for winning as a team.

    My suggestion? Winning clan receives 45 mith per person for winning. If you want to add extra stuff for actions koes and plunder add it to Indy war. 
  2. Think this is better then it is, but think they should limit this payout to 10 successful actions (or add incoming fails to successful actions) 2 received failed inc being counted as 1 successful actions. It's too hard at the moment for EVERYONE to get 20 successful actions with both clans being completely filled with tanks. Without going away from WC 20 successful actions is difficult.
  3. No support need more events
  4. You get event thingies from doing war. 
  5. Stopped doing lowland wars when they came out of beta...they are a joke
  6. Support
  7. Agreed kilo this is a step in right direction. 45 is a good number.

    Next we need weekly weekend tourneys so all the clans have something to look forward to. Or bi-weekly or monthly lol.
  8. Support, as I have on the other threads raising this issue. Here's hoping the devs actually do something about it.
  9. Support
  10. Agree fonzyii. A bi weekly tourney would be awesome, but for now they need to fix LL wars mith payout lol
  11. Not just the mith payout, the gold payout is PATHETIC as well (if we are asking for fixes, might as well fix them all).
  12. Lol, yeah it is pathetic but compared to the other wars 3-7 bil per war isn't much of a difference. I never counted on the cash I made during a war lol
  13. who wars for the gold? :lol:
  14. Don't forget. You don't have to cast any mith at all.
    Its a profit that you're making. 20mith profit
    But I do agree about the min req number of successful actions
  15. Support.... Every build contributed in war so the reward should be fair even to all, top actions / KO / plunder in war gets extra.... Again the mith reward is a joke while mith is pretty much useless nowadays

    Biweekly tournament sounds good, 2-3 days knockout style
  16. Support, this doesnt benefit even the best performers in the wars. It currently rewards who can do the most scouts. Again promoting rogue warring. I agree with kilo whole roster should be rewarded.
  17. Thanks for the support. Need more people agreeing with this. Maybe the devs will listen to us and make LL wars worth doing
  18. This ^