Please keep the daily bonus xstals. I'll write another sentence just so doesn't get locked for lack of effort. 1 sentence sums it up.
If you want to have a daily xtal, you could spend 3.99 on 6 of them, and then wake up every day and use 1 All you'd then need to do is play it religiously and pretend one day a week is your KaW sabbath day
Alpha great math skills there sheeple. But prefer free ones for those who can't afford . BTW I don't need 1 xstal a day but I know alot of people that would be very happy with this.
Just wanted to say ty to the devs for giving the xstal today. Seems maybe they may be leaning towards a few free xstal for the community. This is a win win for all sides. Increases activity , intices non spenders to spend , and makes alot in the community happy. Maybe not a daily xstal but 3 xstals a week for logging in everyday. I don't know suggest some ideas people.
1 xtal a day seems like too much. Maybe an xtal at the end of every 7 day streak. Gold % bonuses or Silver Bars works for every other time. MAYBE the occasional nobility and Horn. A SotD at the end of every 3 month streak.
Great idea. Clans that are growing and trying harder ebs ect can get a better shot if say 25 members get 1 xstal that week to schedule a eb that normally is to difficult.
An xtal costs about $1? So if the Devs did this for a year my account alone would have costed them $365. If there are say, 10,000 players that adds up to - $365,000... I rest my case. Would you waste $365,000 just because a select few are needy?
Life is like a cabbage: Sometimes it is green and crunchy, sometimes dad stabs the cat with a knife because his football team lost again.