⇜Nasty's New Years War Idea↭

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Nasty2, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Welcome

    *Welcome to my idea thread, keep on topic or a mod will be asked to remove it.

    With New Years coming up I'd like to propose a neat event ran by players.


    My idea is a full day warring tournament that I and anyone here that'd like to help host, will run.
    Based on how many people decide to participate will determine the amount of clans that will be created.
    This idea is still kinda in the makes but don't worry I'll have it ready in time.

    Rules & Rewards

    1. No alts will be used, One account per person.
    2. There is no CS requirement (Based on your CS is where you'll be placed, me and my other host will try to make it evenly matched as we can)
    3. Roster size will be at 30 max.
    4. No stripping.
    5. There will be no xstal limits as these will be standard plunder wars.
    6. Any drama you may have with a player (ex. Current osw) Will not be brought into this event.
    -More rules to come-

    *Top 3 plunderers on the winning will get a HTE pass in the clan of their choice, I will drop it where they want. So that's a seal per each.
    *The #1 clan will get 3 HTE FFA for winning.
    *You'll get a neat wall post for winning the tournament.
    -Rewards subject to change, they will most likely increase-
  2. Host

    *Follow me if you'd like to help me host this.

    Sign Up Format

    *Sign up ends December 25th, 2015
    -Current CS
    -WC/Tracking Experience
  3. Participants

    *Joined: 3
  4. Try getting the devs to do some sort of badge for participating there was something like this before (farmfest I think it was called)
  5. Yes it was farmfest, I'll wait to see how many ppl want to participate before emailing devs.
  6. I'll host ya noob
  7. Account I'll be using-this one. BARBARIAN.
    Cs-150k attack,150k defence,8.9m-spy attack,8.9m spy def.
    A bit of WC1 experience,can pen/paper track,classic wars.
  8. Support. Would be nice if the devs made something big out of this idea
  9. Name: NBK_pro_NBK
    CS: ATK 1.9M/DEF 2.1M/SATK 2.5M/SDEF 2.9M

    Wc/Tracking: N/A
  10. Ratgy_ball
    About 9.5-10m CS
    Has previous system and off system war experience in general