Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIlIBHlIlIBaconatorIlIlOHIlIl, Dec 5, 2015.

  1. king-of-terror brought this up with a post in another forums and I'm sure this has been suggested before but ill give it another shot.
    so the idea is to have seperate lands that only come into play during ee wars.
    the cap would be set based on current # of lands unlocked
    # of buildings built
    the total number of levels you've upgraded(ie a maxed hf or abyss building would give you 10 upgrade levels to use on any building in ee land)
    and a spending cap based on how much you spent on your day-to-day build.
    you'd need to have at least one building built in a category to be able to use it in building your ee land. for example to have adt unlocked you'd need at least one adt built somewhere on your normal lands.
  2. I don't understand what the point would be.
  3. there's always been complaing about build exploits and stacked rosters. well when you have a roster that can be whatever builds you want without having to select only a few people that built what you want then you get more flexible strategies and more participation since not every one is a ps1 or hybrid tank which is pretty much the two builds that are allowed to war currently. and the exploit complaints go away when everyone is perfectly capable of copying whatever the exploits might be on the fly. of course there would be a fair window in which youd be allowed to modify the ee build so you can't just change every thing the last second and screw the other side's plans every war
  4. This is one of the best options I've heard in along time. People who work hard and are on lb still get the amount they deserve for war and at the same time there is nothing stopping people from doing the same builds as everyone else.
    The only thing I am wondering about is would bfa and bfe be counted for
  5. OK so this is exactly the same as a normal build lol there is no point to this at all just use the build you have now I must be missing it in a way they have made lowlands your warlands there you go everyone can war now because its cheap and fair :)
  6. this is true but the big builds are upset about being on the same level as people just playing in their first week and also the mith payout issue. bfa and bfe. I like having bfe count as that's something that's worked hard to get and using it on ebs only is kind of a sad use for it. bfa if they worked out how matchups are made so lb wouldnt just bash on players that don't have bfa built up would be good. however I think the bfa plunder bonus should count so hansels aren't the only build capable of making full plunder
  7. So you are saying that people are complaining about a level playing field in 1 hour system wars.
    Seems legit. 
  8. read the initial threads about ll wars coming out it happened. while personally I don't complain the large builds did often get better rewards than what ll currently offers. the most you can get is 70 mith before ll wars builds would get over 100 in exceptional instances
  9. I for one like the idea. Support
  10. bump just to see if anyone missed it
  11. Support
  12. Support... Well a version of this... As for my build and many others... My lowlands for normal Indy/rest of kaw is to have nearly all SOS to be hybrid.. But that makes me a hansel or ps for primal LL war... I don't want to spend 200 bill Everytime I want to primal war
  13. Yeah exactly this solves that problem having war lands based on what you've already spent on your current build would let you be whatever build for ee at no extra cost
  14. I think its easier to Have IndI Primal Wars... problem Solve ... @devs
  15. war trolls that join just to ruin indis.... more inactives just to name a few issues with indi