
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Dec 4, 2015.

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  1. Watch I'm guessing your a kid by the giggle and wink thing so I'll let you get some experience in life before I engage or humor your insights.

    I suppose I'll leave this thread with this last post....

    I'm all for live and let live philosophy. I will not hold what you do against you so long as you keep it to yourself and go about your life. The moment you start advocating for gay pride and rights by throwing in my face then you are no longer letting me live, you are trying to force your way of life in my face and are lobbying for people to accept it.

    "How dare you try to impose your beliefs onto me while I am trying to impose my beliefs onto you!! You need to just listen and accept me even tho I don't accept you not sharing my beliefs".

    Pretty lame huh?

    Instead of worrying about what everyone else thinks and being accepted just go about your life and do your thing. I bet it wouldn't be as big an issue to many folks then.
  2. Give me scientific proof it's not a choice ???? I agree we shouldn't discriminate and should treat everyone how you want to be treated
  3. First of all, there is really no need to worry about our species not reproducing enough.

    Secondly, there is a mothers day and fathers day but no kids day coz every other day is kids day.
  4. lol yeah but because heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals and the instances for reverse abusal are limited ...BUT in industries/demographic areas (San Fran, D.C., NYC, entertwinment, hospitality) where homosexuals outnumber heterosexuals I've absolutely seen homosexuals bully heterosexuals. I firmly believe that in any situation when one group of people has the power to abuse or take advantage of another that it will eventually happen.
  5. Here will be a post of my opinion to sexuality without any response to other comments. I may argue this point if need be afterwords.

    Sexuality is not a choice. You are your sexuality the same way you are your own race. There is no way to change it. Discriminating against homosexuals, bisexuals, heterosexuals or transexuals is effectively racism. Your sexuality does not dictate the type of person you are, sure there are stereotypes but there are stereotypes in all walks of life and that's a story for another day.

    Religion is not an excuse to prevent homosexual marriages. Religion IS a choice. It is very much influenced by those around you but it is entirely your own choice. Your genes do not decide if you believe in God or whatever.

    Sure, rights to religion are allowed but if your religion denies someone's human rights E.G. ISIS killing people with suicide bombers, Christians preventing gay marriage then your religious views are misguided and do not exempt from the law or give permission to break human rights.
  6. No homosexuality in the bronze and stone ages would = no human race today.
  7. Some personal bullying is not the same as widespread discrimination and perpatuation of societal hatred. These same "bullys" are not protesting straight marriages, preventing straight couples adoptions, using their positions in government to deny straights their legal rights, and are not coming into forums spewing hatred and remarks against heterosexuals based solely on thier orientation.

    Which is why it is ridiculous for people to make these claims of reverse discrimination to justify their offensive remarks.

    (But I do love bacon).

  8. WUT?
  9. homosexuality is a race now? do they have their own country too?
  10. I might be going on a tangent here. I haven't read any of the most recent posts.

    I would say that from an evolutionary perspective, a non-hetero sexuality isn't really supposed to happen. There's no real benefit to homosexuality when it comes to passing on your genes, which makes it peculiar.

    Another peculiar thing is the fact that the offspring of two gay people is not also gay... Meaning that within our genetic code, there's always a chance that one of our offspring can be gay. It's not necessarily controlled by genetics, but perhaps by development.

    If we ever find a way to "cure" it (that is, be able to make them heterosexual), then I think that would benefit humanity in the respect that the male body and the female body work together.

    However this would have a few implications:

    1: It might take (or be perceived to take) the assumption that there is something wrong with homosexual people. People may feel bad about themselves/be uncomfortable with their identity.

    2: There would be controversy over whether the treatment should be a decision of the parents or the individual.

    3: It would more greatly marginalize the non-heterosexual.

    This may seem cold or insensitive, but if something like this is to be developed in my lifetime, it would be interesting to see what happens.

  11. I said effectively. I didnt say it was the same thing. I said it had a similiar reason for disgust.

    You cannot chose if youre american, chineese, black, white whatever race you are there was never a choice for you.

    This is the same with sexuality. Nobody choses to be straight, gay or bi.
    If it's really a choice, try change yours. What's that? You cant? EXACTLY. Try changing your race? Oh you can't? EXACTLY.

    It's the same kinda thing. Descriminating homosexuals is just as wrong as descriminating against a race.
  12. actually you can change your sexuality. for the same reason people choose not to have intimate relations until marriage. homosexuals can choose to not act on those urges. this isn't a religious rant it's just a point being made. also insulting peoples religious beliefs that dont support homosexuality is just as bad as discriminating against homosexuals. there shouldn't be judging on a personal level as that's left up to whatever deity a person worships. simply saying that they don't agree with that lifestyle isn't any thing bad. that's like saying I'm a vigor because I don't like smoking and don't support the act of smoking because I myself am not a smoker. that DOES NOT mean I hate people who smoke or think that they shouldn't have the same human rights as others. I simply don't like smoking.
    edit: homosexuality is what a person DOES. ethnicity is what a person IS I feel I had to clarify that point.
  13. BIBLE says one man and one wife
  14. Except your own statements make an opposite point.

    Simply because a person doesn't act on their natural inclination, does not suddenly mean they natural predisposition isn't there and isn't a part of them.

    To use your analogy regarding ethnicity, someone of one race doesn't suddenly lose their ethnicity because they behave in a manner consistent with another ethnicity (no matter how hard I try to assimilate into the Australian Aborigine culture, or "how I act," my ethnicity doesn't change).

    However, I completely agree with tolerance all around. I believe when people stop using religion to justify discrimination and hatred, people will stop attacking those religious justifications.
  15. actually my analogy was of a smoker not ethnicity. a smoker doesn't continue being a smoker after they quit. ethnicity is who you are practicing homosexuality is what you do. I brought up ethnicity for the people saying it's like being a racist for not liking homosexuality
  16. Except that you stated homosexuals can choose not to act on their predispositions. That is because a natural orientation is different from an act such as smoking.

    When people make offensive statements against a group based solely on their natural characteristics, it is bigotry, similar to racism.
  17. Sexuality is NOT chosen. You can only choose how to live it, not what to be.
  18. Where do pansexuals fit into this?

    They're not bisexual, bodies are irrelevant to them. They're attracted to personalities.

    So you 'chose' to be straight/gay/bi? How did you manage that? Did you 'decide' to not be aroused by the people of that sex?

    How does that play into sexual assault vs men?

    Men can be assaulted and still 'perform'. Is that a choice they make?
  19. people are predisposed to certain addictions. like alcoholics born with certain genetics that makes them predisposed to being addicted to alcohol. same with smoking same with illegal drugs or misuse of legal drugs. people can choose to not act on those urges and when they make that choice they no longer carry the label of being a smoker or an alcoholic or a tweaker. yes that urge is still there but that doesn't mean they HAVE to act on it. just like I'm attracted to women doesn't mean I have to go out and try and screw everyone I think is good looking
  20. Bacon, I think you are confused as to what homosexuality is. Being a homosexual means you are attracted to the same sex. Techincally you could be abstinent for life, but still be a homosexual.
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