It is not about closing the gap...

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by ICantThinkOfAName, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. Have you ever played a game and decided you want to be as powerful as the guy below you?

    No. You want to over power them and crush them.

    One of the biggest issues with KaW is everyone wants to compare themselves to LB and claim it as unfair that they can be so much bigger than myself. That is not how it is suppose to be.

    What seems to be happening is the gap is getting larger, much larger. Now, as the rich get richer. we begin to see an exponential effect, more players too small to hit resulting in more players in your range that have to be targeted. The rich now make so much gold that new lands will more than likely be released and they will tough to achieve, but they will be achieved.

    This actually makes the game BETTER. This gap will create more tiers of players making our goals smaller and easier to accomplish, which keep us interested. Instead of all the pairing up with people much smaller or larger, we will be forced to connect with our personal tiers more. Things like indiwars already begin to help with connecting with our peers.

    Just some things to think about.

    Stay classy!
  2. ^ i wanna join the res club

    on a serious note, you do bring up an interesting point. however, the main issue with the gap is that it makes it impossible for the new players to advance to the higher tiers. the powerful stay powerful, and the weak will always be weaker, which isn't supposed to be the point of this game.
  3. Stay Classy is bad its a war game play dirty and do whatever you want :)
  4. Interesting point made
  5. As you grow it gets easier. I was maybe 26-27mill cs before the black friday event. The growth felt kind of slow so I went crazy during black friday event. This is what I have to show for it and the plunder is amazing compared to what it was. You just have to get over the hump! The middle tier is always the toughest, but what is a challenge without a struggle?
  6. Yeah op wants to forcibly put people into groups instead of combine the KaWmunity as a people.

    Bring about the 1Mil cs for all... A massive pvp event that no one can opt out of. That will bring about the true KaWs huhuhuhuhu
  7. Tell me. What game have you ever played where looking at the leaderboard doesn't make you cringe? This game is old, the leaderboard should SCARE you.
  8. but also think about how much you'd have to spend to surpass cella and reach the top of the leaderboard. in a game like this, the challenge isnt to see how many buildings you can put up, its to reach the top and to be the most powerful in the game. you should be able to fight for that position, but now a days, once you gain that spot its very, very hard for it to be taken away from you.
  9. You will never catch those willing to spend on this game (the rich) if you are unwilling too. To try to get the devs to punish their profit earners is just retarded. Stop crying, the op has a good point. If you don't want to, don't grow and just hit other people your size
  10. im not crying about it :lol: i gave up on growing over a year ago. im merely defending the point people make when they state the the gap is too large
  11. The gap is too great. And for what? So those at the top can continue overpricing and hoarding allies? So they can only hit (if and when they do) only a very small percentage of the KaWmmunity? So they can continue to basically force the devs to release content and updates suited to satiate their needs?

    Don't get me wrong, I agree that those that spend do deserve to have better things, have better priced allies and be bigger. But when is enough enough?
  12. The Lb r an elite community.Trying to catch up with them will only demoralise u.Just set small goals for urself and achieve those.Happy kawing all.
  13. This game got a lot easier, cheaper, and unfortunately less fun when I realized that I would never be a LB account. That I would never even be build complete. Just not willing to spend the money, particularly when you can "acquire" a build complete account for much less money.
  14. It's not just about those willing to spend.
    The gap gets wider due to the fact hit per hit a bc player earns more than double a smaller player.
    Put that on zta or hte and its ridiculous gold earnings.
    The large earn more rewards per action in events just based on size. ( and event wise that's not acceptable).
    The gap will only get bigger.
    The bigs need a gold sink. Yup new lands where they will earn more gold and the gap becomes wider.

    Kaw used to be easy to close tha gap. Now it's insane. The events help the biggest and richest players more than the smalls.
    So the problem is hard to address.
    Events with 1 item per hit have always had my favour. It's the only way to get rid of the size issue. Without killing the spending that the devs require. The lb spend more they will still get the top 10-100 prizes. But everyone else will bc faster with the silver bars and be able to challenge bc players and start wars over allies far sooner. Which is what kaw needs. Not a gold sink. A way to strip more gold from the game. More battle ready players. Not scared of losing growth.
  15. I don't believe this. I've been active for less than a month, have 1T in allies and 10M CS. Got HF already. It's not necessarily pay to play, play smart and you won't have to pay. But I agree. The gap is very large and for me to become BC will take ages. But it's not impossible, if lands are released in January there's another 6 months until I would be bc. Hard work will get you there.

    And I've heard rumours that the devs are going to update the new player bonus to; 25 Xtals, All HL, 100 of each pot and the same eb plunder spell. This will hopefully help change the gap but that'll probably only happen if new lands come out in January.
  16. yep^
  17. I agree I don't care what size I am just have fun people 
  18. I agree with OP that we have different tiers in kaw. Wouldn't it be nice if that would be made visible. Now you cannot see who is above you if you are not in top 10000.

    ATA could create tiers with min and max stats or just based on strength. Top 5000 for premium division. Top 10000 for first division and so on.