* Please Note. This idea has been in the working for a few days,I do not know is this idea has come up before, I couldn't find anything. This does not clash with this weeks event it just so happens the Devs were gracious to allow us to work for some Inferno/Aqua. Hello guys/gals! Today I'm bringing you (the KaWmunity) an idea based on which the support I receive will determine whether or not I forward onto the developers. So let's get to it. (Woo yea yippee, wait what's this) Well young padiwan I shall explain. This idea is simple, create a place (similar to the Mage and Alchemist) in which users such as ourselves can reforge equipment gathered. (No way! :shock: ) So how does it work? Well let me explain! Now I know us equipment hunters and old vets have been asking the devs to incorporate something that allows us to get rid of unwanted or unneeded equipment. Which is why I'm brining forward this idea and instead of deleting our equipment all together, this just returns some of the Inferno/Aqua used so it can be used to enchant better equipment. Under the blacksmith would be an option to choose which equipment you would like to "Reforge." Doing so will take that equipment from your inventory and you won't be able to equip. *This is not what it would look like but just to show you the concept I had in mind. This would then activate a timer (Based on the enchantment level - see below) and you would have to wait. 1-3 LV Enchants = 4 hours (25 Billion Gold) 4-6 LV Enchants = 9 Hours ( 75 Billion Gold) 7-9 LV Enchants = 15 Hours ( 100 Billion Gold) 10-11 LV Enchants = 24 Hours ( 150 Billion Gold) Upon completion of the timer you would get a notification "The blacksmith hails, your scavenging is complete - pay now." (See Above) When you head over to black smith you will have to pay him a price for reforging and will find the parts scavenged are that off what the equip needed to enchant. For example items could be; - 1/2 Amount of Inferno/Aqua spent to enchant - 1/2 Amount of Bronze Bars - 1/4 Amount of Mithril This resetting the equipment back to base stats of 0 Lvs Enchanted and you receive 1/2 or 1/4 of materials needed. Of course for those who enjoy spending money on the game to support the apes and there bananas then there could potentially be a "Token of Gratitude" which can be bought for "X" amount of nobility and will speed up the process by 12 hours. This is just an idea but I personally don't think it is needed. So that's it folks, pretty simple What do you all think? I'm open to tweaks/support/no support but please if you don't like the idea than let me know why! Cheers, Red :twisted: :mrgreen:
Black smithing is a nice idea, as it would provide a mini gold sink. Maybe if it costed more money? Could be crafted into a very good addition into kaw though.
Maybe for you or someone of those stats who is probably getting inferno/ Aqua regularly looking at your equipment. This is for the people who struggle to get the drops from EBs and don't wanna buy crystals to get Aqua or buy inferno itself. It's not hurting anyone just another aspect of the game
Thank you! The cost there is rough idea, obviously it could cost more as people such as myself can make 150bill in an eb :lol:
Like the concept, I wrote a thing on Blacksmithing some years ago. Was different however, but I like yours support
The idea is you pay a blacksmith to reforge your equipment in which he removes the enchantment from it and you receive a portion of the amount used on the equipment back.
Diablo? If your talking about the game then I have never played it. Dark souls yes, never had interest in Diablo. So this idea is pure from my brain just thinking with assistance from a friend
Man, haters gonna hate, eh Luckstar? It's new and gives those smaller peeps that are just starting out and don't know the right eq to spend the enchantments on another chance. I like it, fight for the middle man. Support. Good work.
Support. Liked this idea, not so hard to implement as other ideas (i.e. Eq trading) and could well be incorporate with the mage/enchantment screen (which mean you pay again to the mage that screw you up, so to undo his successes)
I like this idea! Maybe also be able to completely sell the unenchanted eq? I know I have tons of eq not enchanted and just sitting there...SUPPORT!