Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IlIIlllIlIIIlSLAYIlllIIIlIlIlI, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. I'm so happy I hope they made a great deal of cash from your property.
  2. People actually wait to open them day by day?
  3. Personally, i would ask chubby_chaser.

    It was obviously a chubby chubber and chubby chaser chases the chubbers.
  4. Too bad they didnt steal your phone
  5. I found my cat eating December 2nd yesterday, he's just been booked in for a nut job next week..let's see who's laughing then
  6. :lol:.
  7. Next time lock the windows?
  8. It must have been the bad Santa, you should carve him a wooden pickle and make him feel really bad about it so that he'll get you that stuffed pink elephant you wanted
  9. Damn slay :'(
  10. Your husband or kids