Idea: Election for possible mods

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by renamed504, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. I don't know if this is a stupid idea but I thought about maybe a mod election? Like yearly?

    Start preselections in a poll for each time zone or something like that then candidates get put in a poll and eventually one comes up with the most votes
  2. Re: Mods

    I vote for cinder styke!
  3. Re: Mods

    I volunteer as tribute
  4. Re: Mods

    General Yamashta has my vote. A player beyond his years, an elite kawer. The finest amongst others.
  5. Re: Mods

    I volunteer
  6. Re: Mods

    Moose get his name right before you vote for him lmao
  7. Re: Mods

    You just separated his name in to two parts and proceeded to spell both parts wrong :lol:
  8. Re: Mods

    I'm glad people are responding positively on this thread, I hope someday something like this will happen
  9. Re: Mods

    I vote for Devouring
  10. Re: Mods

  11. Re: Mods

    If the devs releaseed the candidates for us to vote on it would work. If you want to be a mod you apply like normal devs then say x,y,z can be a mod vote away.
  12. Mods are not paid
  13. Re: Mods

    You were cool till that comment
  14. I vote chocolate23
  15. Sasuke has my vote
  16. I'd vote for John Cena.
  17. Oops you're right! Confused mods with devs...
  18. Re: Mods

    Thank you for your reply, a good thought and you're right, thanks for helping me :)
  19. Can we vote to impeach current mods aswell?
  20. A vote for Nathan is a vote for Nathan