Now this is simple who would lie more events like this were its your activity that decides what drops so a origins can earn you the same drops as a hte not like the other events were you needto be a hte fairy to get close to lb rewards Edit: I'd also like to see a permanent increase in item drops from war we shouldn't be punished for not being eb fairies tapping a repeat action button all day
Translation: I want crappier eb's that pay crap gold-wise to drop more event items in the future. Also activity is pretty important. /endtranslation
This idea has been thrown around for months. I'd much prefer just hunting one item and so would many others I think. But I'm doubtful they'll keep this. It'll return to 4 pieces after this event. Btw, people will hit HTE whether there's one item to collect or ten.
I do agree with OP on the PVP point. The reward from wars, PvP events and Pvp in general is too small. We need to see either an increase in PvP pay out or a reduction in PvE payout. This is supposed to be a Pvp game but the current set up encourages PvE too much.
First of all very good translation Devs will not do it becuase even though people will HTE in the event it will be less of a thing The war idea however I 100% support
To expand on that I'd like to see drops from pvp (don't see why there shouldn't be?) no reason to restrict it to the "hte fairies" and war fairies
Support 1 item collection event's spread over all eb's for fairness & increased mith equip stat's if thats what u meant... whatever we can take from the rich players at this point the better it'll make the game imo or kaw's just going to end up a bunch of greedy lb's n no1 able to fight them.
I say only 1 drop on events but the amount that drops on eb varies on difficulty of eb, time eb is finished and size of acct
The devs implemented 4 items because we were complaining about doing just 1 eb that pays better somehow, and now we are pulling a switcheroo and complaining about how 4 is too complicated. We gotta make up our minds here fellas.
Imo 1 was better I always liked 1. However need to be a balance same of one things for a long time (not naming event names ) gets boring and leads to inactivity.
It was pretty sure it wasn't that it was only one item, it was that the ebs it dropped from started the event changing every 2 days, then suddenly stopped and we were stuck on the same ebs till the end.
I shuddered remembering the b2b NML we ran... nearly committed suicide after consistently losing half a bar of troops when I didn't see the item regen.
Liked the early events way more... Now I have to do Evanescence because it drops fast items in 20 min ebs... Let it stop pls.Support
The reason it was switched was for encouragement of hte/rotwb clans...splitting the item across ebs helped the smalls abit but making it 4 only made it so hte was more appealing to the spenders... remove drops from hte/rotwb & i imagine you'd see alot more support for events & for ata but they don't want your support, only your money lol