While this event had it's pros such as lasting 4 days. Only 1 item drop. The cons are there are no banners. Every other event has had its own banners. Yet, an event that is bringing in thousands of dollars and not to have banners that is shady. Lol Developers, make them Shark Banners. You know there might not be a Shark Epic Battle coming out until January, but a Shark Banner will do for now. * Add some good stats too. What about it developers. Are you up for the task at hand?
We don't need more banners, in a month a new event will already be over with and you'll get a banner from it
Bc its so easy to get to 5k. Literally everyone could get that. Tbh anyone that doesn't hit 5k this event didnt try
Why does everyone bring the $$ spent on events up every time they want to make a point? Makes them sound stupid, no offense. But come on. Ppl spend willingly and devs shouldn't be criticized because of how much certain players chose to spend on a game they enjoy to play. Banners on every event gets boring real fast. It's nice to have diversity on these events. Plus it's only a four day event; we just got one less than a week ago. No need for another one so quickly. Enjoy the events as they are. Rewards aren't bad at all. Besides with each event our EQ gets buffer.
i typically end up abt 1300 spot at the end of event w top reward tier. Right now ive got just over 5k items and im ranked 4350. So no lol. Dont worry though your only three thousand people off๎๎?