This OP has effort

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Pie, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. Op, if you have seen we haven taken the communities feedback by leaving certain threads open for display that contains lack of effort to give them a chance but threads that basically troll the community or when people are trolling op, they will be locked down to Protect the Op and removed to the GY to up the forums, if anyone has any judgement of our actions please we advise you to email into with a further complaint about our actions.

    Thank you and happy Black Friday.
  2. I haven't seen many that have remained unlocked. But if you say you're leaving more open, then ok. But as I mentioned, you're still saying "locking for lack of effort". That has no relevance to the tou. What you ought to be saying is "lock for spam" which is an explanation as to why it breaks tou.
  3. i agree bc my thread was locked and i just wanted to make friends
  4. We are constantly taking the community's feedback on what the want and what to prevent on forums or in game, recently with these events it\'s been challenging to read all the feedback from the community time to time plus rl issues as well, but we are always trying hard enough to Maintain forums even if we state lack of effort, or for spam or anything else, but thank you for your much needed feedback!
  5. Lolz you knew what you were doing with your 7k posts
  6. Your thread have been getting trolled, and in the spam category so we have locked it to prevent anymore from that thread being trolled.
  7. Yeah his thread was definitely spam :lol: you shouldve told him that when u locked his thread though lol
  8. Yeah. Sure you did :roll:
    I'm good at keeping an open mind when it comes to threads but your thread was blatant spam, and you knew exactly what you were doing with that many posts :lol:
  9. Who exactly are you (not singling you out, just mods in general) to say that a thread is a 'lack of effort'? Your job is to uphold ToU, correct? Where in ToU does it mention what constitutes an effortful thread?

    Lock threads for spam, for bypasses, for offensive material and whatever else breaks ToU. Mods have started this 'lack of effort' crap unnecessarily. You've (again, mods in general) set a precedent now that one line threads are lack of effort. You've set a precedent that simple question threads are a lack of effort. If Dilly's thread was made today, it would probably be locked - and look how many it has helped. And I ask, WHY mods felt the need to start it?

    If 'lack of effort' is the only reason you can think of to lock a thread, then it doesn't need to be locked. Uphold ToU, lock threads that break it. But please stop marching around making decisions about what is effort that are not yours to make. Yeah you're mods, but I don't see how effort concerns you. OP could very well believe one line will suffice. Remove the reasoning of lack of effort. Let threads run their course and lock for a LEGITIMATE reason that CONCERNS ToU.
  10. I skimmed this thread over morning coffee. Sorry if this has been stated already, but, a general rule moderators follow is that we post on a thread before we lock it. This holds us accountable for our locks. I don't like working anonymously.

    If you see your thread got locked, just wall the mod who locked it and ask for it to be unlocked. If you care enough about your thread to do that, odds are more likely than not that it will be unlocked and given a chance to flourish.

    Just my moosey 2 cents worth....
  11. Appreciate that, but if they weren't locked in the first place, they wouldn't have to be requested to be unlocked lol. If a thread can be unlocked at request, then surely there is no reason to lock it?

    As far as I have seen, you haven't locked any threads citing lack of effort, but a couple of mods do and it's odd that threads are being locked when they don't break the tou
  12. Someone mentioned this. So I thought I'd find it.

    Sorry it is long.
  13. ^ Or of course you could just link to that thread...

    And it's not what this thread is really about. As it has been mentioned, the op is a very low % of the success of a thread, the discussion that results from it makes the thread successful
  14. You can pretty much tell if a thread has a high or low amount of effort. That's why their shouldn't be any set rules on it, just handled case by case.
  15. The point is that effort shouldn't be as relevant when it comes to locking threads
  16. My point is that it should play the role that it's playing right now. Nothing changed whatsoever.
  17. But it shouldn't be playing this role. Nothing about effort is mentioned in the tou. Ergo mods shouldn't cite it for locks
  18. Apology accepted.
  19. I'm glad you're expressing your opinion on it.
  20. /lock
    No effort