While my game play hasn't been affected and I'm all for folks spending their discretionary income, I find the placement of the banner problematic. Please put it in the marketplace where other items that are for purchase are available. You can keep the count down clock in the spot above the picture of the EB being displayed.
Numbers don't work with this spell 59 nobes for hr , should be 2 hrs same as seal 59 nobes for seal , or change % to 50% . Then numbers work .
I'd like another banner added for the purpose of taking out a personal loan to be converted in nobs. 59% interest rate seems apt.
Remove it from the eb screen and put it in marketplace. Its at a very dangerous spot for a tap tap game!
You know what would have been nice? If we received some thanksgiving pots. So you guys really aren't going to remove all the adverts for this new thing and move the purchase option to the Marketplace?
PLEASE REMOVE FROM EB PAGE its really annoying i keep hitting it by mistake and it looks rubbish :roll:
Would you please reduce the price to 29 and extend to 2 hours? Or take it off the epic battle page? It's staring me down like an ad and it is one of those pricy ones. So please make it cheaper or make the beautiful art that the ebs feature unobstructed.
Could you move it somewhere else like in the marketplace or something I been accidently opening it on the eb page
Dear Dev, Please remove that stupid banner from clan page. I can see only two oponent CR at a time during war in clan member list. Thanks and regards \VOLVERINE
No banner materials shouldn't be in HTE. HTE has enough benefits as it is. If you want to upgrade your banner work for it or just get an event banner in the next event. HTE will pretty much guarantee you a new banner that way.