Effective immediately Lowland War Mithril payout has increased from 5 to 20 for Winners. Those on the winning side with the Top 3 # of Successful Actions will also continue to receive an the 50 Mithril bonus.
Hi kaw admin! Is there any chance we can get any other types of rewards? (Such as gold? Or inferno/Aqua) And is there any plans for weekend tourneys to improve the participation of EE? And happy gobble day to you apes ?
To be honest, who still care about miths ? I did few unloads a day at EBs the pass 3 weeks, then I got my 3.5K tier PvE rewards, the equipment is already better than my Season 4 equipment. Devs, why not drop something useful instead of miths that already useless at this game ?
I'm sure everyone is thankful for the mith increase, but if we are being reasonable, I think all on the winning side should receive 50 mith, if you want to get the best war equip in the game, you need to win 80 wars, with two (lowland wars) per day. Winning every single lowland war you do. That'll take well over a month. Most who participate in lowland wars cannot do individual wars without leaking, unless they have a decent amount of BFA to makeup for the lowland part of their building being different from their normal EE build.
I love kaw unlike most games I've play/played this game has the best customer service and best communication from players to devs love ya <3 Ps is BFE/BFA a thing with LL wars yet?
The increased mith is a good start devs. Hopefully you guys keep improving reasons to do EE, because you have a huge player base that absolutely loves EE. And thanks for the earlier response
Hi kaw_Admin..Its is very clear to us that you are a business and need funds to keep running which come from the ebs and Events But Can U please Try to MAKE WAR THE MAIN ASPECT OF KAW.. Because War Is Fun like Nothing else.. You need more happy customers for a Successful Business..Only way u can keep people happy is by doing stuff they actually request and is necessary..(I MEAN FOCUS ON WARRING SIDE)
Should be different rewards like fonz said. Mith not too worth it anymore due to better war equip. Hope you can improve and add different rewards in the future. Thanks kaw_admin