disenchant or destroy armour items

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by -AoW_ToTaLlY_SE-, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. Hey

    I have a suggestion. How about a option to destroy items or disenchant items to get some inferno and Aqua back (even a small percent)

    I'm quite small really compared to some people and I have a lot of extra stuff I will never use again... So big guys etc would have loads of stuff they will never use etc

    Thoughts on this?
  2. No. Been suggested many times before. Id prefer to c the mage get good at her job and eliminate failed enchanting
  3. How do you know the Mage is a girl
  4. Bc the mage sucks at their job. Therefore obviously a woman
  5. Lol well fair enough. Sick of playing find the item I now have equipped when I visit the Mage.
  6. :lol:
  7. I stand corrected well played.
  8. I agree, disenchant, sounds good.