New land cost nobility

Discussion in 'Wars' started by x_x, Nov 25, 2015.

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  1. Cost nobility to unlock, each explore cost nobility, each building cost nobility, each upgrade cost nobility, you know you want it.
  2. This is a terrible idea.

    Just watch the devs implement it... :|
  3. No support sorry
  4. No no no no
    Please no
  5. Not at all. Not supporting this one i wld leave game.
  6. This is satire following the last few threads. :roll:

    Full support!

  7. Lol you guys joke but they're actually implementing these ideas
  8. Yes support absolutely wonderful idea.
  9. Support. Minimum 500nobs.. 5000nobs for last upgrade.
  10. This is not enough, they should absolutely make it 100nobs every time anyone has to attack/steal/scout/assassinate. Oh my gosh, don't even think about using items without a fee of 500nobs.
  12. You know what's sad, the nobility cost will probably be cheaper to those that spend money than the cost of fake gold :lol:
  13. This is a terrible idea js.. Most ppl aren't gonna spend really money for a build. Yea they spend for seals and horns and other great things to help out on eb, but really on land and buildings... What if ppl can't afford nobs? Then it was a pointless upgrade.
  14. How about we have to pay 100 nobs every time we open KaW?
  15. What do you mean people won't spend money for a build? What game have you been playing?
  16. Ok.. You must be the other half of ppl who would spend. I'm js that idk if it's a great idea.. There is nothing wrong with spending a little money from time to time, but everyday sounds like a epic lose on devs end for spending all that money on this update. We will see how it plays out..
  17. That's so true. I myself won't be surprised if dev ever implement new lands that can be explored using either fake gold or nobility points. And the rich would probably just go nobility.
  18. New lands and new buildings cost miths to unlock and upgrade
    problems solve
  19. I like that idea better 
  20. 100? Why not 1,000,000?
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