Battle Cry - New Clan Plunder Buff

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Kaw community last comment was on page 6. lol must of realized this was a fail. Or just stopped reading. Not caring how the people feel. Out of sight out of mind. I guess.
  2. Did you forget what a crux chest does?
  3. Would be nice to see their reply to the timer and the 15 minutes between ebs......cause it's yet another slight to the paying customer
  4. 25% is a bit rough... Why would anyone every pick this over a seal?
  5. no normal eb lasts less than an hour.
  6. lol hte lasts a lot longer then one hour and gives billions in total plunder why would anyone waste the noblity points for something like this when they can get a seal and earn much more money for longer. lol devs u need to add ways for the players to lose gold cause it is slowly becoming too abundant
  7. Not the type of update I expected with Clans. Well, I take that back I don't know what I expected. Either genuine updates or another money ploy. Probably the latter.
  8. I would love to see someone buy the 48 hour one lol how much is that in real money??? Devs have gone way to far now maybe time to find another app that doesn't take the pįss out of its customers
  9. I see you deleted my thread for your next update KaW 
  10. Devs always comment on feedback for the first 30min. 1hr max n from there i doubt they even read
  11. While I have no problem spending when it suits me, the placement of this ad is just annoying and insulting. Kinda like having a telemarketer calling your home. It actually has the reverse effect on me to not want to buy
  12. Put in marketplace with the other crap pls. Annoying to see it in my face
  13. Come on devs.....

    Why make it so hard to buy this...

    Just have it one-click to Call this battle cry thing...

    Don't worry about lack of nobs...

    Have it automatically obtain cash from our debit cards...

    Go on know it makes sense..
  14. I've probably clicked the stupid banner like 30x already while trying to click the X. Move it, reduce it, light it on fire .... Something. It's pretty aggravating.
  15. Ok I don't like this.
    The advert in people's faces. It's been done before and objected to hence the option to hide the pop up.
    So why this and now?
    And yes everyone is saying cash grab. And I can understand it.
    For lb it may be a way to help their clan or alts maintain a gap. For the rest it's not much but a " damn the gaps just going to increase"

    To me. It's just really badly implemented.
    If we have to have it. Why could it not be where we can all purchase 1 nob items as last promo so the clan can actually all donate towards a clan bonus.
    At least then the left over nobs we have for other purchases could be used for a benefit for all.
    For those who don't want to spend big 1 nob a week/ month won't hurt for a little extra to help the clan.
    And most of all it would put it in the market place where we are not having it shoved in our faces.

    The biggest issues here are where it is placed. How short the spell is. And the single purchase aspect.
    Considering if you are going to use this spell currently you must
    Buy a seal or two.
    Buy xtals to max xtal per eb.
    War for best bonuses needing more purchases
    Plus crux chests etc. for 1 hour. This is getting extremely expensive and definitely losing its appeal at face value.
  16. I think this is a great idea.
    (See I can change history too)
    Read 1984.
  17. Devs went on a cleaning up forums spree.

    Or was it Eagle?

    Even the joke threads... some people are just intolerant of laughter sometimes.
  18. I think this is a great idea.
    (See I can change history too)
    Read 1984.
  19. Freemium isn't Free!