Don't for get for the low low price of 284$ you can have 25% plunder for 48 hours
I thought it was just me. They are dropping support for gen4 iPods as well. The app loads hella slow on a i6 and my app freezes during atts all the time on wifi and 4g.
Keep the banner. I think all of these people don't realize the great opportunity you are offering them! Such is the mind of peasants.
If they dont increase battle cry to at least the value lf simply running another hte (100% spell instead lf 25%) it wont matter because battle cry will die of natural causes. People will only fall for this new spell for a few days before they wisen up and nobody buys ot so enjoy it while it lasts.
this is whats gonna happen, lots of people will buy this for a little bit then when devs realize this is crap they will say we will remove this soon and increase the plunder
@Devs remove The damm commercial showing , its annoying!!! Are you so starving for money? C'mon arent you making enough Money already with The HtE Clans... This is SAD, You are Killing The Game Big Time, and for those buying that Battle Cry 25% lousy spell for almost 6 dlls you are contributing to The ENd of this Game... You made bad decisións releasing HF AND SEA LANDS.. That created a huge gap in The players... This game is goin Down fall...
Can't agree more with above comments. There is no end to greed. Devs started with xtal money then seals then these bonuses and events. We as kaw community has to say no to these things. If we don't use it they will take it back. Just be little smart️
Could care less about "battle cry" people will either buy it or not, but come on devs, if you listen to the community at all you'll remove the damn billboard. Nobody likes it and nobody wants it. A response on this issue would be appreciated devs......