People want to market a FREE game then it should be that... This is the most expensive free game I've ever played Nobody is forced into spending money in any way, shape, or form. It's just more and more overtly and blatantly obvious lately that KaW is being rebuilt for the spenders. Go ahead and charge $.99 or $1.99 or whatever, and then you set a precedent. I don't have any solution btw...
The name is very creative, Lol Cry for Your money spent ... Oh wait let me open my free Chest .. Whoo ohh 100% spell !! Thx devs - But really just dont take over our clans Eb page, theres a place for Your sales in The oracle place Thx
Yes, as everyone can clearly see, I am an idiot and everyone in KaW has tears streaming down their face at this update. Oh wait...
Lmap youve never played game of war then upgrades on that once you are a fair eay through the research trees can take in excess of 1000 days!!! Thats right a 1 followed by 3 0's!!! So you can either wait the 3yrs for the upgrade to finish (no thanks) or you can buy "speed ups" which usually come as part of a gem pack or you can buy gems... to finish an upgrade like that youre looking at around $50 minimum!! The game is insane and to be competetive you need to spend... a lot. There are ways around it but i feel ive already gone off on a tangent here lol. Big spenders on kaw have nothing on those at gow. Saying that though devs are clearly trying to suck this game dry because they know it only has a few more years left as a popular semi high grossing game.
No offense intended. Its just the other ones were full of revolutionary ideas for devs such as... Reintroducing resets but making them mandatory once a week when you log in! Only way to not reset by paying 59 nobs. Luckily the reset only cost 29 nobs! A new propack that automatically purchases itself for free! It automatically equips itself for 1.99$ charged to your service provider also! How convenient! On top of that it makes a random amount of nobs off you based exactly on how much devs think they deserve for their hard days work. "Swindlers Gloves"! 10% static to all stats for only those small things? Thanks devs! Also there was the 10% clan bonus for 29 nobs option! We also didn't forget the "Trump Tower" for your buildings! For a meager 10 nobs per building you can gold plate it and have your name emblazoned on it! Now when those Droid people scout you they will remember who they scouted when they take a peak! Also all BFA are now actually paid mercs and to retain all of their services it's a nob/cs retained chargeable ratio daily!
New clan made to sit out from KAW until advert is removed from eb page. I could live with the spell being available (it mirrors the clan wide pvp 1 hr spell during events), I just don't want it in my face every time I unload. Come join us if you feel the same.