"Money sink" - BATTLE CRY

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Nov 24, 2015.

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  1. Hi, just a short thread today.

    This is to you devs, just to clarify something.
    When we say KaW needs a money sink, we mean an IN GAME money sink, not the real life money sink that you are giving us.

  2. Re: "Money sink"

    Couldn't agree more,

    Wish I was a son of a developer... If only I would receive a Bugatti for Christmas...
  3. Re: "Money sink"

    Exactly. Too much inflation already and all they're doing is introducing more and more things that make it worse.
  4. Re: "Money sink"

  5. Support

    10/10 would sneak up on him in the dark *moonface*
  6. True words.

  7. I woke up in a new Bugatti!
  8. The rich get richer
  9. And the poor get poorer
  10. Support.

    Plus it's ugly. Ew. My poor clan page.
  11. Need to focus on making this game more interesting for players who can't spend money,more in game benefits and less adding more things for us to spend our hard earned money on!!
  12. Just when it's time to release new ____ release it for 1000x the price it will be for a week/month then cut the price.
  13. Yea cause having a team of PAID developers work on free stuff is awesome for business. Idiot
  14. Op is also an idiot, no one is forcing you to buy, stop crying and shut up
  15. Better chance getting crux chests there free and the 100 instead of 25 and 47 nobility is nuts for that low I got 6 crux chests and 3 more coming so 900 is better and free.
  16. Support. Basically this latest update only has features regarding soaking cash from us.
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