No support whatsoever, I would rather participate in an indi war than an eb war. This has no Pvp aspect yet you call it a war? All this is, is who can beat an eb the fastest. Only way Pvp could be involved is if you plan on pinning the enemy roster before hitting the eb. Thanks for making the thread but I don't like the idea at all ?
Please don't make it a wall of text, many will not read. There isn't even a TL;DR! Add some pictures or something?
Pvp aspect has stats pooled instead of individually based lol not sure folks quite understand...i'm not saying hit a pc that don't hit back, it's taking build mechanics vs individuals out of the equation while giving defense based on a more widely hittable clan total instead of each player wit individual defense. picture it like shooting at the enemy from within a castle while the enemy shoots back from theirs, once their wall is down it collapses and kills every1, they are dead n u keep their plunder
Pictures would just make it longer, sry there's no shinies, wasn't aiming for pretty so much as a real discussion of the possibilities in which such an idea could or could not work.
lol i thought u meant me for a sec grizzy, i was like "damn man, i kno the ideas sumtin outta left field but that bad?" XD
*coughs* paranoid you're going to get trolled for spelling or sumtin wolve? XD This is an idea for discussion, not a kaw must implement this change thread lol I ain't going to hold it against ya
Let's shut this down right now......op re title this thread to new eb idea n I support ..but this has no relevance to wars at all its not a ee war it's a race to see who can finish the eb first. I appreciate the effort and like I said it's a good eb idea that promotes competition beetween clans (u might be on to something there) but
You're saying to hit an eb. That's exactly what this is lol good try. If this is the new war system then they mine as well change it from Kingdoms at War to Kingdoms of Ebs It's not incorporating Pvp when you use they members stats, it's using the build mechanics in which you said are the exploits in wars in the first place. There is no player vs player aspect to this other than who can organize and finish an epic battle before the enemy does. If this was an idea of organizing the eb system to introduce competition then sure I support but their is no player vs player here at all other than beating the eb first.
Well i still haven't seen ne1 explain how it is an eb exactly so title will stay for now...Have u heard of a siege war? normally the strategy is to have an army of overwhelming force surround a castle & lay siege until the occupants surrender or die, barely ne1 dies unless starving/diseased or the walls are brought down and the occupying forces are then quickly captured or killed & conquered. This is a war, not an eb, the clan will be hitting you, instead of seeing your health as a % bar, u will see it pooled into a total clan health bar along with the rest of your clanmates, only your strength is greater & set by being within that stronghold under siege. I get its not the current war setup but to say its an eb is incorrect too...unless you can provide evidence to validify your statement you won't sway my thoughts anytime soon