Its true, roni did put two xtals in me... maybe 5 successful hits. Thnx for boosting my w/l ratio. (Cant post the whole album for some reason)
Lala you have full defence potions so its no big feat there were fails .and you hit me with rogue both at the same time .because thats all you ever do .only hit people when you have someone holding your hand.
it was obvious that lala and rogue had been working together because lala only scouted and a few assassins and rogue did all attacks.
I dont even know this rogue person. and my point was, if u know ur going to fail, why xtal and put two more bars into me? seems common sense still isnt so common in ur neck of the woods.
dont lie you know rogue . you both did it together .and i have plenty common sense .i aint a chicken who can only hit someone when i have someone holding my hand with me and hitting with me.
still waiting for you bumping your non existant calander that you never wrote or did. just more lies from you LieLala
I'm just going to say, threads are usually deleted after a couple years, I doubt a 6 year thread made by a player that is not Best Of or stickied still exists.
You stalking me or something? But sadly you got it wrong. I've been with CN/Instinct for a while now. Longer than 2 months.
no you havent seth . you were in monster garage before that. so dont bother trying call people eb fairys when you are one too.