A final goodbye

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ____Demon____, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. I expect no less from -Senorita- :lol:
  2. They really should huh? Because I defend the OP whilst some random tries to publically shame him! Wow golly I really have gone and done it this time eh! Why don't you read all the post leading up to that one? As for your communist views and lobbying for censorship, you are the one that shouldn't be allowed to speak.
  3. lol did i strike a nerve?
  4. I'm surprised terra knew 11 1 is 12.

    I wonder if he/she is good at work problems too.

    If terra got on WDGAF's wrong side in late September, how many hours did it take for is to strip him/her. As a result of the strip, how many allies did terra have the following month. 

    Peace out Xtreme ️love ya like a bro!
  5. Goodbye crazy boss,hoped you'd come back :( n sorry about your mom...you're one of the loveliest fellas ever,wish you the best X <3 luv ya