Bridging the Gap

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. edit 4: Just in case you lack basic reading comprehension like most people up to page 7. This thread is not about me, or you, it's about incentivising new people to stay and keep the game alive. No I'm not suggesting BC should be easy, I'm suggesting incentive to keep growing. It's not about taking work away from old players, it's about ensuring there is still a game here in 2 years for them to boast about how much money and time they spent.

    Before I start, no I'm not calling the game dead or whatever. Calm down.

    If this game is going to survive a few more years, there is one thing that needs to be considered carefully by developers.

    Bridging the massive difference between new players and the top 15% of players.

    Upon logging in for the first time yesterday I saw the new bonus given to new players where the low lands are completed.

    Now whilst it's a great idea, this is really something that should have been done 18-24 months ago to bridge the then growing gap.

    Player retention rate is something kaw is great at. New player retention rate is something kaw is not great at.

    Logging is as a newbie and slowly learning the mechanics and then seeing the difference between your LLC forge build and the BC builds in WC would be nothing less than disheartening. Hell, even I was disheartened when I logged in and saw the difference between what used to be considered a middle spy build which is my account, but is now on the smaller side of spy builds.

    The KaW economy is also no where near as large as it was a year ago with the abundance of HTE being run by any decent clan. The opportunity to bridge the stat gap is slowly getting smaller, which is the opposite of what is needed.

    I'm not saying I have the answers, it's more a point of discussion.

    I think promoting events with tokens that could decrease building cost, or giving players free upgrades for x amount of time played in a week.

    New players need to be encouraged to stay - they won't be here just for the 'social side' as many of us are.


    Before you reply talking about Alts or how it will benefit people near the end of BCing.
    1. Think about how much of a game there will be if 80% of new players leave after a short time.
    2. Think about how much money they devs will make from nearly BC (aka won't spend money again once BC) players if they are the only thing they aim to protect.
    edit 2:
    Bridge the gap does not mean give all players the easy chance to BC. That's why it's called bridging the gap, not jumping over it. It means giving them a chance to feel relevant and able to one day achieve BC stats.
  2. Someone has a new signature :0

    There is a large stat difference but you gon' have to grow boi.

    Also where is KaW releasing this information about KaW retention rates?
  3. Free upgrades or % discounts will be better for larger almost lcbc players though. The only thing which could solve this would be if all stats earned the same amount of event drops (including pvp), which would be a little crazy as we'd have alts with 10 buildings getting in the top ranks

    Edited for sentence length corrections.
  4. There will always be a gap between those who spend big cash, and free players. That's just how it is.
  5. I think a max plunder bonus spell most allies are hard to keep up until about 1 billion, lots of money for a newbie.
  6. Thanks genius. Try reading comprehension classes.
  7. If I invested 5 years of work and thousands of dollars growing my account, I'd be pretty pissed if someone could close the gap on me

    You don't need to be huge to have fun. I haven't upgraded in years, but I still have lots of fun with others in my hit range. In fact, I think I'm having more fun now than ever because I'm not so stressed out about having tons of gold out for my next upgrade.

    That's what the hit range is for. Be grateful we have one. Many other MMORPGs don't. You can have months of work and money wiped out by a single huge player.
  8. At the end of the day, it won't matter who's LC or close to it if 8/10 new players quit after 4 days.
  9. You don't need to have lots of gold out to upgrade, bank your gold.

    Besides, us forumers are always getting into fights. Sometimes stats do matter...
  10. Completely agree, almost gave up when I started because of the difference between my stats and lb, and that was like 4 years ago. Can only imagine what it must feel like now.
  11. I'd be pretty pissed if there was no one left to show my stats and work to because they all quit. We're talking about new players, not hit ranges or wherever that went, but thanks for disagreeing like always - stay consistent.
  12. What if BC players get the same amount of gold for their RL money as anyone else spending? Crazy right
  13. Grizzy that made no sense.
  14. Anarchy, don't take it up the bung hole. I like you. I'm just offering an alternative perspective. Rather than focusing on growth, new players can focus on finding a size/build they like and working with it.
  15. You can't think like you or me, you have to think like you when you started and couldn't even remember how to find your cs and though 2bil was a lot of money.

    Now think about how you would've felt when you got told '2bil isn't a lot lol' in WC, and instead it was ''3 trillion to get a decent build isn't a lot lol".

    You have to see what new players are seeing, they won't be looking at hit ranges and farming people for a year with mediocre stats. I wasn't when I started, you weren't either.
  16. Support.
    As long as it will increase players' interest. This game should reclaim its glory years as what the veterans claim.

    Btw, miths should have other uses too.
  17. I see what you're saying, but it's always been that way. Notwithstanding the first year or so of this game, the top has always been so far out of reach, it seems impossible to get there
  18. Sasuke - you're right about us getting into fights by foruming.

    If they're outside my comfortable hit range, I ignore them and focus on targets my size

    I do try to bank in pots, but I always end up using them on somebody 
  19. No it hasn't really, when you and I started it was not 50 trillion to simply have the build of the best players, let alone the allies.

    There's always been a gap but it is slowly growing. That is not what the devs should be looking for in a game that is slowly dying, the two things are relative to each other.
  20. It made perfect sense unlike certain parts of your thread I will put it in dumb terms would you buy a Mars bar if the guy ahead of you in the queue just bought a Mars 4x the size for the same amount you are just about to pay?