Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for having half the posts on one page
  2. Banned for posting numerous times complaining about multiple posts.
  3. banned 4 saying all that stuff..
  4. Banned for banning him for saying all that stuff
  5. Banned for banning the original banner for saying all that stuff
  6. Banned 4 anything but that stuff :lol:
  7. Banned for not having a legit reason
  8. Banned for typing slowly!
  9. Why is this still up....
  10. Banned because u haven't contributed to the banning
  11. Banned for banning a troll for what they do they do best
  12. Banned for using both a bat and a dog in the same username
  13. Banned for being a contradiction. A solid & a gas
  14. Banned for being a hybrid. Bat and dog
  15. Banned for recookung a response that's inaccurately used several times
  16. banned 4 flying away from me when I was a kid
  17. Banned because batdog does not fly. He prefers to ride a Harley ;)
  18. Banned for being the person who stands behind the one who picks up the soap.
  19. Banned for being the unlucky one to drop the soap
  20. Banned cuz u saw that...