Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for thinking you're cool with your fancy blue font
  2. Banned because Bulbasaur
  3. Banned because you duddnt say squirtle was better ;)
  4. Banned for spelling "didn't" wrong
  5. Banned 4 banning him cuz of his mispelled word
  6. Banner just because I can
  7. Banned because I don't know what a BatDog is.
  8. Banned for being ignorant.
  9. Banned cause your name sounds dumb
  10. Banned because your names not muck better lol
  11. *gasp* :shock:

    How offensive...

    Banned for making me cry :,(
  12. Banned for having emotions.
  13. Banned for having an Uchiha Curse ;)
  14. Banned for hypocrisy.
  15. Banned for the distasteful name
  16. :D Banned for being oversensitive. It's the internet for Allah's sake.
  17. Banned for calling someone over sensitive
  18. Banned for being hypersensitive
  19. Banned for post count farming
  20. Banned for idiocy