Public Survey (Marijuana)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by DoogleBoy, Nov 13, 2015.

  1. Hello, I am doing a servay for my school and I thought this was the best way to reach as many people as possible.

    Please participate in this servay and try not to deviate from the parameters of this forum.

    Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?

    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?

    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    Thank you for participating in this survey.
  2. Re: Public Survey

    1: yes

    2: it's less harmful than alcohol and is a medicine for some. Also if it's legal, it can be taxed for the benefit of the country, also quality can be assured.

    3: yes

    4: yes it can be a gateway drug but only if you are the type to want to try other drugs
  3. Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?

    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?

    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    1/2) Yes because no matter what people will still take it and this way it's controlled therefore safer to use. It also is a new source of income for government funding.

    3) No

    4) Yes because a lot of people who get addicted to marijuana then go on to say "actually this isn't that bad I will try something else" Yes I know not all people are like this but a lot of people see marijuana as a safer and less intimidating drug and this leads them to want to try more.
  4. Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?


    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?

    I support it because it does have medicinal uses however I don't support it when it's abused.

    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?


    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    It can be a gateway drug, sure. But so can any drug when you think about it.

    Thank you for allowing me to participate ;)
  5. 1/2) Absolutely because it's a relatively nice stress reliever. It's also good for parties. It'll be abused no matter what so it ought to be legalized already
    3.) yes
    4.) It can be for many people. Is it for me? No. But there's always going to be people who become what's known as permafry who want a better high
  6. 1. No

    2. It should be subscribed by Doctor for people who need it, not general public use.

    3. No

    4. Yes. The thought of "oh wow this feels good, I wonder what cocaine or heroin feels like".

  7. Question 1) Do you support the legalization of marijuana?

    Only in medical uses.
    Particularly the liquid form for brain cancer that has proven healing abilities as it attacks damaged brain tissue first ( the reason isn't established yet as to why it acts that way. But it is proven it has an affect on tumours. That said it does cause brain damage to that area. But that's better than dying).

    Question 2) Why do you or don't you support it?
    Because it causes addiction and brain damage. Even though people dispute the fact. It is proven he ce why in some brain cancer cases it is actually useful for attacking malignant cells.

    Question 3) Have you ever used it before?

    Once passively. Not a pleasant experience.

    Question 4) Do you believe its a gateway drug, if so why?

    Yes because it leads some people to seek out the next high and can lead to harder drugs being experimented with.
  8. You all realise that the media created the term "Gateway Drug".

    It's about how you all perceive the term.

    If you've only been given negative information about a word say "spaghetti" (from a reliable yet corrupt source)

    You're going to be fearful of the word "spaghetti" and stray from it.

    If you're told good things from the media about spaghetti, what you gon' do boi. YOU GON' EAT DAT SPAGHETTI, reall quick.

    Example: 1950s? Was it?
    With cigarettes where it was highly popularised due to media publicity.

    Don't be so easily influenced ;)
  9. Survey*
  10. Yes
    Medicinal and spiritual. Plus the taxes made put to good use, such as education and drug education. Takes this off the black market, and puts the control of quality and product into the hands of professionals.
    Alcohol and tobacco are the true "gateway" drugs. Almost all parents have some form of alcohol in the cupboard. And cigarettes are way too easy for a teen to acquire.
  11. 1)No
    2) it should only can be brought to hospitals and clinics for medical uses only
    4)Yes,cause it drugs
  12. 1) Yes
    2) Rastafarian
    3) Yes
    4) No, weed 3 good 5 me
  13. No
    It's a drug and unhealthy
    Yes, as often as I could for about 10 years
    Yes. The term gateway drug is easily definable as a drug that leads to other drug use. It definitely lessens people's aversion to other drug use.
  14. 1) YES
    3) YES
  15. *sorry for shouting*
  16. (1/2/3/4) SMOKE WEED EVERDAY
  17. I support marijuana because it will lower the amount of income that gangs and drug cartels can make, and increase tax income, and also because it will make marijuana safe. Today there's a chance that marijuana people consume can contain cocaine or other drugs.

    Legalizing it will also make it less of a gateway drug. If I buy marijuana from a gang, or have to befriend a criminal in order to get marijuana, then that's a lot worse than just buying it at the convenience store.

    I don't see it as a gateway drug in most cases. I know people who use marijuana but have normal lives.The main reason why it is a gateway drug is because it is illegal.
  18. Also,

    Looking at KAW for a survey isn't very academic.

    I recommend reviewing something such as a Gallup poll or other national survey.
  19. Only people who don't support legalization are the DEA, cartels, people who don't understand economics, people who watch Reefer Madness regularly, (applying only to Americans) those who didn't learn from the prohibition, and people who like the word freedom but don't support it in actuality.

    No I don't smoke pot. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna go around saying no one else should either when it doesn't hurt anyone.
  20. I laughed at Cynderspikes last post. While he does have some valid points. Did you all know that most of American prisons/jails are owned by the major banks? Ie: Chase Corp and the like. It's a for profit system. Keep pot illegal, more ppl in jail = more profit. But the ppl have spoken up. CO was first to vote and legalize for personal consumption, and has proven beyond a doubt they know what they are doing. This state is the base model for the states to follow. WA, AK, and OR voted and passed to make legal sales of marijuana in a retail store like alcohol or tobacco with a tax added. The Netherlands long ago realized this also. Hmm. Smart ppl finally speaking up and moving in the right direction. I feel sorry for all the ppl in the Midwest who have closed minded government officials who live in the "Reefer Madness" lie that was spread long long ago