Well as long as ppl prefer events n devs only give us 1 season war a year the EQ will be what it is. N before the trolls come out n rip me i remind this is a war game. Idc what format tbh but its getting ridiculous getting more EQ with very lil use fir it other than eb's. I've suggested numerous times we could use more war tourneys. eg weekends every few months Anyone object to that with good reasons? I'm open minded to real arguments btw
Every 2-3 mths also would be ok to start with. It could also be in the form of an ASW but include everyone.
Relax Tom, we all know this game will dead till those big spenders wake up and understand devs is just milking them. The day will be after those big spenders collect their 2nd full set super power PvE equipments then devs start to run the 3rd time circle of PvE events. proboble 2 to 3 months later b4 devs release their new version EE wars ( I believe that lowland wars just a topic for ppls to keep discuss KAW and keep spending $$, I don't see a chance it will be happen).
That's cute tom your banner is just about who had the best build/BFA people abusing SHs did well in that event so I have no sympathy for you
I finished in top 20 as a hansel s5, warring against my noob friend Tom..... Anyways tom is right in what he says about the events. I have 1 acct that has nearly top 100 gear in every item slot, and you know what. It's all trash gear now. This game is evolving to fast, growth is beyond excessive and the only way to stay really competitive at the top is to spend. I used to run 2-3 accts in events and collect my top tier rewards and now I just pick 1 acct that will get the basic banner tier rewards. (P.S And yes, he is a build dropper. I owned Tom along way back, got him valued at 4.3t and he was a good sized hansel. I woke up one morning to see that I was now a proud owner of a 4.3t shadow hansel)