Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for not finishing your thought
  2. Banned for being a thot
  3. Banned for not being as swift as u think u r
  4. Banned for not being a hot enough flame.
  5. Banned for not having a colourful text while banning!

    Oh yeah, strike! :D
  6. Banned 4 not bring that hammer with u either
  7. Banned for not realising that I do not need a hammer to ban you! :p
  8. Banned because I'm hot enough to burn your grassy azz
  9. Banned for banning Bulbasaur instead of me! Yay, I dodged a ban!!
  10. banned 4 dodging that ban...
  11. Banned for bumping this lame thread.
  12. Banned because that girl isn't my wife ?
  13. Banned for thinking you could get her to be your wife!

  14. Banned for being a hater
  15. Banned for having a hawt wife ;)
  16. Banned cuz ur not the wife
  17. Banned because you post on here as much as me
  18. Banned for posting as much as someone else...Jeez man step up ur game
  19. Banned for not posting as much as someone else
  20. Banned for not being apart of ML