So basically most of you don't like it because it seems too unserious or just plain lame? I mean they don't have to be called pets if that helps . But whose to say that kingdoms can't capture and train monsters to do tasks for them. This game needs some new ideas and I think this would be fun.
I like this idea. You've set out the features well. A new aspect to the game would be good. Support from me.
You put alot of effort it looks like, so you can feel proud that your thread doesn't look bad. But no. Please no more equipment slots of any sort anywhere lol.
Nintendo dogs was like my shiz when I was 8 lmao 8 years later . kingdoms at war not kingdoms at pets
They are not "pets" they are war beasts. And you don't send them on"dungeons" you send them on hunts. That way they fit the kaw theme
Does it matter what it's called? I'm sure by pets OP is talking about the fake dogs you had on your video game. If you read the post properly, you'd see OP doesn't mean domesticated animals. Why not give some constructive feed back on the concept rather than focusing on the name?
I wanna pet named Pikachu!!!! Attk: infinity Def: infinity Spy Attk: infinity Spy Def: Infinity Special powers: Anime Nosebleed!
All the arguments against are invalid for no reason whatsoever except that I want a war puppy. But we need to plan ahead... how do we prevent abuse of our soon to be lifelong kaw best friends? Can we have an assured perma ban punishment for pet abuse? And a pet shelter for Kaw pets without a home, and for pets kingdoms no longer want (sad but will happen). I expect clear legislation from the devs. Soon