F no. I'm hiring his ally off the bat. If he wants it he has to give me at least a few billion profit
I find for pvp events I have to make a choice of keeping ally shop open or doing pvp. Shop open means more gold for me, but if I can be on a lot I prefer pvp. So I like opt in choice, and usually leave it until last day to cast for these now. As for respecting banners, I try to respect all who have genuine reasons only, and answer follow or pm. So I guess I treat others how I like to be treated myself. Others who ignore banners are doing the same so fair game to get farmed and they know it, or should do.
I always extend courtesy for people in OSW of a wall post before I hire. Only a few that will give you a hard time about a hire.
I believe every ally is for sale unless woc. But it would be nice to leave a post on a wall to inform the current owner
You know frog ... I was thinkin' if your face is as stupid as your name then that crap clan your in wouldn't think they're the freakin' crown jewel of Apoc. Your mouth is so big you can suck an egg and my ass at the same time. Screw you Frog!no one gives a rats ass about your opinions.
I agree with clumpweight.. What a pathetically naive comment you have made.. First the whole purpose of this game is allegedly meant to be a war game... If a simple thing like hiring an Allie gets you wound up do not play it any further.. Barbie dolls are definitely more your style ... Don't hire my allies... What a joke!!!!!!!!!!! Almost as big a joke as the peep who wrote this post
Des in all the years I have played this I never have asked to hire an Allie . Even if u said no I'd hire it and farm you for all your worth.. Extend a courtesy..... I extend nothing but spite to u for making that comment
Your times up frog... Let us know when you are in an osw and I'll hire ur allies when ur asleep .... Just trying to be helpful so u don't waste speakers asking peeps to hire your allies..... Hahahahahahhah seriously??? Are u really serious about this forum post???
Trolling is not what I would call it.. Calling out stupidity is definitely what I would refer to it as... Calling me dumb boy is very imaginative and shows the creative genius that you really must be.. How does one fit all those brains inside your pea sized skull
Dude? Did you seriously post "hahaha?" Been a while since I've seen so much butthurt. Are you just gonna talk crap on the forums or do you got the McNuggets to try and teach me a lesson? Fact is hiring these 10T allies is a tricky business. Both Harb and Bomanator were stripped hundreds of trillions over ally disputes. Both Yafi and Regulators have made threads declaring their war on "don't hire my allies" banners. Therefore while you might see this as a problem, obviously there are some bigger builds that do.
Yes I posted hahahah .. Much better than lololololololo .. Bom got farmed coz he was too big for his shoes.. Everyone takes down the bigger dog.. Much more fun that way.. Did bom cry?? Maybe he did .. I reckon you would cry.. Me on other hand could not give a rats..... Don't hire my allies..... Don't be so friggin STUPID... Can you please refrain from any further stupid comments ... I've heard enough frog !!
It's getting more and more obvious you didn't actually read the OP statement, little boba, cause you're starting to argue in favor of it. No one is forcing you to read or comment on the thread. please feel free to leave at any time. As for how much Bom or anyone "cried", generally these players go through the following pattern. They first say they are "relieved" and " wanted to get stripped". Then the butthurt catches up to them and they start acting stupid. I think Bom followed that patten quite well, but that's just my humble opinion. As for me, you wanna give me incoming? Anytime, cute little RP noob. I'm not pinned ATM. Show me you're more than a forum troll. Teach me the lesson I so deserve.
Support. When buying I respect woc, and sometimes osw. Usually osw. When somebody buys one of the few allies I want to keep, I buy them back. That's the tax I pay to be reminded my ally is up and needs volled. It's not rocket science. An exception might be made for noob accts... some poor so-and-so's can't hold onto an ally long enough to unload a bar into their ebs. Makes growth frustrating. Like it or not, if we want to keep KAW thriving, we have to recruit new players. sigh. Maybe a 5 or 10 minute 'ownership window' or some such could be coded for allies of a certain price range. Other than that though, ally drama is drama. Having said that, somebody come buy my allies please. I'll bb the one I like. :lol: