Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned for thinking about a cat
  2. Banned for oppressing others and their ideas
  3. Banned for being a word that has cost the lives of many
  4. Banned for repetitious use of the letter 'x'.
  5. Banned for not having X's
  6. oh hey bat... guess what time it is? Its banned time :lol:
  7. banned for not banning batdog quicker
  8. Banned for being a smaller dog than me
  9. banned for not having Halle Berry in more sequels in smaller outfits
  10. Banned because I cant argue the logic there
  11. Banned because Batman doesn't love you.
  12. Banned 4 having ur 1st post on this thread
  13. Banned for being lost
  14. Banned 4 not giving a different reason 2 ban me
  15. Banned for always asking directions
  16. Banned because you think death fears you
  17. banned until I think of a better reason 2 ban u
  18. Banned for being indecisive.
  19. Banned for not being an atom bomb
  20. Banned 4 wishing he was an atom bomb