Time for Changes (Reward Changes)

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by NICKOtheNINJA, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. I'm a strong believer in keeping equipment special. Many others are too. Equipment is meant to mean something SPECIAL, not to become obsolete within a few weeks. Sure the devs cycle the equipment from rewards but with so many events it cycles through quickly.

    Now my idea was to have some events be different. For example have a different system rather than the four pieces = one main piece. Have rewards not always be equipment but maybe a bigger plunder spell of more bars to use.
    • health crystals
    • mith
    • chests
    • inferno/aqua

    in a bigger quantity since there is no eq reward.

    What happened to one free land opening or one free building upgrade? For BC accounts they can cash it in for something like a short plunder spell or health xstals

    The majority of kaw now thinks the devs are greedy and ignorant towards the community.
    Let's face it, they will not stop with the constant events but a variety would at least make it better and worth it. And such things as a bigger plunder spell or more chests could still increase profits but make a variety to rewards.

    I don't agree that the devs need more money but more money means they are more likely to consider something. We know that's true.
    But BIG SPENDERS WILL KEEP SPENDING. Devs need to realize this. Adapting to the community's wants and ideas can help you improve profits from lower spending players or from players who do not usually spend at all. Better ideas will lead to more income and less complaints from the community.

    This game will last so much longer if the community is happy. Instead of getting the most money u can within a short amount of time, you can continue making great profits for additional years. With the path this game is taking now, years of this game are being cut and the community will continue to grow angrier with the lack of response. It's time for CHANGE.

    Below please add your opinion on what devs need to fix:
  3. Support.

    Like you said, bigger plunder spells would encourage smaller people to xtal on ebs
  4. Exactly
  5. Support
  6. Couldn't agree more. Support.
  7. SUPPORT! 100% agree
  8. I think this is a good idea because of like you said the eq is outdated insanely fast. I don't even find it worth it to enchant mine, because it takes so long to get the needed amount of aqua and inferno, so by the time I would have enough to max it there's new eq for it to be used on.
    I enchant my reward eq as high as I can with the elements I get from that event, and will probably not upgrade it ever again, because the next eq to replace it has comparable stats at level 1 to the previous eq at level 4-5.

    Another side point is that the promos have almost entirely killed eq hunting, the only EB eq people even hunt for now is the percentage eq, and scrag eq basically.

    Sorry for the long and poorly structured post I was just writing down ideas as they came to me
  9. Support, would be nice to have free building upgrades with the new(ish) abyss lands and to have a lower bfa than normal stats.
  10. I agree with the variety of drops. I don't even visit my useless mage now as no point in enchanting something that is obsolete in a couple weeks.
  11. OK so the silver bars are your land token or building upgrade. Agree doesnt have to always be equip if there does at least let me scrap the old crap for some aqua inferno back.
  12. How about a banner event
  13. #SUPPORT
  14. I enjoy pigeons daily butthurt banners
  15. Please stay on topic or do not post here
  16. I said this a few times in a few separate threads. Thanks for doing it more organized than me though. :)

    With that I obviously give my support.
  17. I think I saw your post in the event page so I based a few things off of it :)
  18. You did it better than me anyway. You added colors and worded it better. :) Thank you for compensating for my laziness. :D :lol: