Mind testing questions

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Forgiving_Warrior, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. Post your trick questions here !!

    Here is one trick question.
    Your running in a race -
    You overtake the person who was already in last place - what place are you in ?

    Answer and post yours for people to answer :
  2. First obvs

    Actually you could be in any place but last place since you'll be lapping them
  3. Nope  obvs not first there can be any number of people running btw
  4. First place

    You are taking a Cow, a lion and some hay to the market, you come to s bridge where you can only take one at a time across, how do you do it?

    (Hint-Cow eats Hay, Lion eats cow)
  5. question doesn't make sense. If u overtake the person who was in the last place, then u are overtaking urself. U can't run a race and be behind the last place unless u are last.
  6. Exactly ! It's a trick question welldone pain
  7. Take cow across. Go back get hay. Take cow back to the other side. Take lion across. Now lion is with hay. Go back and get ur stupid cow.
  8. One at a time.
  9. Feed the hay to the cow and the cow to the lion and then walk the lion across the bridge
  10. What goes up and never comes down?

  11. Your age
  12. I was contemplating an answer for that question, troll, but maybe its better that you deleted it.
  13. U r on ur front porch U decide to take a walk U walk 5 miles south then 5 miles east then 5 miles north and wind up on back on ur front porch what color are the Bears?
  14. Correct
  15. Lol
  16. How many WMD did Iraq have in 2001?

  17. Many they were however able to hide them in the highly mountainous or desert regions.