Story Mode EB's

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LS2VG, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. I understand, but I posted here knowing people would add things and make this a better idea
  2. Or A world Eb? That Everyone Can hit? That would be awesome.
  3. Kind of like public events on destiny, or Spartacus the game? That would be really cool
  4. Or... An eb that has THREE different final phases, and the way the eb is done during phase one and two, determines which direction the eb goes...
    That's how I imagine a Story Mode Eb
  5. An idea I haven't actually seen before. With Sean's input, its definitely a good idea. Support, hopefully the devs add this to their update list.
  6. Thank you for all the feedback and new ideas everyone they're greatly appreciated, hopefully devs will find time for this
  7. Support

    I can just feel the thrill already
  8. The excitement as the only 15 minutes for a long time counts down. You know the real challenge is about to start. And the feeling when you received your basic rewards and then the extra ones

    Thanks all for support.
  9. Support, but maybe make the time smaller than regular and make bonus gold
  10. Of course there would be bonuses
  11. You can do this on your own.

    I did it with my old clan (Knights of Acheron) I used to own. We would have random weekends where we would do "Story Time" event. We we're a growth clan (back when Dragons were the highest EB).

    They all loved it. Not only did we add a story to the Epic Battles. We went through Tiers 1 - 5 over the entire weekend and also made LB for time completed in every EB.

    It also helped recruit a ton of people because people enjoy the concept of an entire clan being excited and involved in something a little more than just slapping EBs. They enjoyed us creating our own fun of already provided material while reaching tangible goals (LB times on every EB) when almost EVERY other clan getting tops times on those Epic Battles was an actual LB clan just getting the LB time for the sake of it.

    What I'm saying is you don't need Devs to design this. Do it yourselves.
  12. I feel it'd be better with added rewards and no 15 minute break in between, straight up one after the other with more plunder, equipment and achievements. The idea has obviously been had and done before and I think it would be great for devs to introduce as a feature.
  13. Screw more equip. We have an over saturated equip layout as is. Can we have something where new equip isn't the reward?
  14. Suggest something? This idea is to be made better by other players input. Extra Banner pieces and bloodwood can be thrown in, I don't know.
  15. More Inferno/Aqua and larger plunder would be fine.

    More equip is absolutely unnecessary at this point.
  16. Inferno especially, maybe even mith?
  17. An eb that drops mith and doesn't take a no match to get? Count me in xD
  18. No mith. If you want mith, then war.

    More aqua/inferno and gold would be plausible.