Story Mode EB's

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by LS2VG, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. I have had an idea that I think will be very good for all people who play kingdoms at war.

    I think it would be great if, instead of always running epic battles one at a time. People could run an entire series of epic battles. This would be great, the story will be more in depth and it will be applicable to small and big clans.

    Imagine starting with a warbeasts and ending with the depraved.

    I don't even think it would be hard for the devs to make. They would only have to combine the timers and the plunder and equipment drops.

    People could then potentially get equipment from different epic battles in one drop, with huge plunder, more aqua and inferno.

    I think this will make the game a lot more enjoyable. You could initiate this story mode with an item like a seal or the eevum circle pieces...

  2. So many clans will do jack for all the time, then when there's three hours left, go OI! mercs!
  3. I think this sounds a good idea, as long as it is implemented as an optional thing!

    To have an in-depth story, I'm down to read some more interesting info about Calydor and "how are we gonna march against Calydor"!

    I do have a question though: Will our troops and spies be fully regenerated by the time we defeat one part of the epic battle's story, warbeasts for example? Or will our troops and spies remain the same?

    Also, is there any time interval between parts of the epic battles on the story?

    And I support this again, to be implemented as an optional thing!
  4. Yes having it optional, so using a spell or an item to initiate. Clans that don't want to run this simply don't cast or use item. Thank you for your feedback.
  5. Ah, nice! Hopefully the spells or items you mentioned costs only a nominal amount of gold to start.

    1,000 gold!

    Unless you make it free! :D
  6. could just initiate each eb in a series individually, one after the other...?
  7. Maybe One nobility? Like The Eevum pieces or maybe it just has to have more than one admin to vote to initiate. Or opting in with a like spell like war.
  8. Sorry, but how does this benefit over just initiating each eb?
  9. It would be more challenging with a bigger reward pool. It would be so fun to take on a full tier at once...
  10. Opt-in spell and admins vote would be nice! Costing Nobility Points is too much though, in my opinion!

    Unless, if there's a premium epic battle such as
    Revenge of the Warbeasts, Haunting: The Escape or Zelegrad The Accursed!. There, you can make the nobility costs slightly lower than the current Nobility Price stated on the Marketplace.

    For example: Revenge Of the Warbeasts costs 29 Nobility Points/horn to initiate.

    Doing a story epic battle series including Rotwb, you can adjust it to cost around 5~10 Nobility Points for this and advance all the way to that premium battle as long as your clan does not fail any ongoing epic battles in the story mode series, in my opinion!
  11. How is it more challenging than running each eb individually? E.g all the Scrag ebs are 12 hrs long. 12 x 4 = 48. If you just pool them together, it'll still be 48 hours long. Same with gold if it adjusts as you work through each eb. The only difference I see is there's no 15 minute wait time.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding of your idea...
  12. Great Idea, Thank you. Also Troops and Spies would regenerate the same with no 15min space in between the epic battles. It would take a lot of communication in clans to time it especially with epic's such as FOD.
  13. I guess you're in a sense, but they could add extra plunder and drops such as bronze bars, it would also require more activity and communication within clans. I just think it would be fun to try.
  14. To add in to OP's reply to Crazy Ruggy's comment,

    Yes, I can feel in a way that it is more challenging than running each eb individually due to the fact that the 15-minute time interval is removed, meaning there will be no breaks between ebs!

    This can be a factor influencing players needing to crystal up more if their armies does NOT fully regenerate and stays the same after a part of the epic battle is defeated!
  15. If there is extra bonus and drops rewarded for completing a whole series at once then it could potentially be worth it. Otherwise it's almost the same as running it individually. This will probably mostly benefit the biggest clans though...
    But, it has the potential to encourage clan loyalty and clans working together more.
  16. I totally understand that, imagine getting more than one piece of Eq, the amount of aqua and inferno, maybe a plunder spell? Bronze Bars? They could add a lot. New clan achievements and bonuses? It would be pointless without the extra bits that make new things fun.
  17. I figured BR's would be gone soon and replaced with a new idea. Perhaps they could have something similar, except they include a whole series to complete? Which change every week or something.
  18. Sure, this could be nice, and I like sean893s ideas too :) However, I think there should be something extra then just more BB drops and equip. Its nice and all for these but you could just run it individually.

    So basically, something new that gets dropped. I have no ideas to what, but something that makes players want to use xstals, so that the devs would want to implement this idea.
  19. I like all of these ideas, especially the idea of something new to drop and it changing weekly or even monthly. I think it would be fun to complete something longer and more demanding than normal...
  20. Yeah Storm, that was my point...needs to be incentive to run it that way. Just piling all the ebs one on top of each other wouldn't be incentive enough cause there's no difference to individual ebs. And there'd be no reason to implement it. There has to he a different element for the community to even consider it I think.