The queen of RP.

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by HoL-J4M13-TH3-G1NG3R-N00B-HoL, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Yall are crazy lol long live hol
  2. Excuse me one this thread was a joke made about me as for op I shale get him to kindly tell you and her to leave this thread as for why I brought it back is one because op was asking about it and two because I was replying to people who have posted on it
  3. Yes yes we are but do you expect anything less

  4. U shale? 
  5. RIP English language, gone too soon... Good job murdering punctuation as well..

    Bill on Capitol Hill is not pleased..
  6. i know prime .Becky is quick to point the finger saying that i'm illiterate. But look at what she just wrote :- not one full stop.
  7. Forget that...there are no commas!!! :0
  8. i want to learn the r.p act & tricks of being a gangsta just like becky !!
  9. Lol ok Becky all hail the rp queen
  10. Half the stuff in this dang thread still makes me giggle. Damn naughty gingers
  11. Follow Jamie for princess RP..HE is amazing at it an like to wear pink sparkly dresses.
  12. What about clap_trap he needs his hamster rp 
  13. If it wasn't for Becky, my RP Kawreer would have never happened

    Thank you Becky

  14. Got somethin against gingers? Lol

    My wife is a ginger ;)
  15. Nope I don't mind gingers actually the person who made this thread is a Ginger which is why I said dang gingers