Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by phoenix05, Nov 1, 2015.

  1. Dear DEVudas,
    Please increase inferno drops. You give eqs that require a lot of infernos and once the player gets sufficient infernos and tries to upgrade the upgrade fails. I'll say this respectfully, you nooblettes I'm sick and tired of the less inferno drops and upgrade fails. Fix it.

    Nooblette Lover.
  2. Support. But you're still a noob.
  3. Support
    Seriously though, we use more inferno in enchanting so I think it's a good idea
    Don't drop aqua drop rate though
    Just up the inferno drop rate please
  4. You can buy inferno
  5. me personally I rather have aqua increased. I can always buy inferno when needed. Maybe I should stop buying it? Probably explains y I have 0 aqua 99% of the time.. I refused 2 buy aqua with xtals just 2 watch it fail...
  6. True. It can be bought. Then the ug should not fail.
  7. I agree on the increase on drops for inferno. I spend more on buying inferno, so less time ug it makes it rough. Or drop the cost to purchase inferno if you do not want to increase drops. Thanks

  8. Lol bought inferno reduce chance of successful enchanting
    Better have Patience
  9. Dear devs plz make sure what we want yes that's aqua and inferno Bcz we do upgrade we fail many more time we don't want fail so if you are with us plz don't make us fail or make many more aqua + inferno drop in eb we are planning to play for so long time if we fail how can we grow so do something on it we know you can do it so plz do it
  10. No Support. Go back to -BLACKOUT-
  11. Support have a ton of aqua and 7 inferno due to the massive cost for upgrading drops should be increased I mean 30 aqua and 30 inferno just to fail really? For one level that's stupid.
  12. Buying inferno is a waste of gold,I've stopped buying it as I've found its a guaranteed fail,knowing our mage it's probably recycled inferno from all the ongoing fails from dropped eb inferno.
    A increase in the drop rate would be a step in the right direction.
  13. Oh I got patience... Been waiting 2 get an aqua drop 4 a long time now...
  14. Oh man I love this song, I haven't heard it in forever..
    By the time I can collect enough inferno to enchant any equip to 6-7 level..
    They come Up with a new and much better equip For the same slot..Then again begins the same process
  16. Inferno can be bought with gold why not increase drop in agua so we don't have to spend money just a thought

  17. Support. If you are going to increase any elemental drops, aqua would be it.
