New Event

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by _ZE_DeViangreen_MP_, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. I know that we all love events I mean who doesn't because as WE ALL KNOW KAW IIS THE BEST GAME EVER. so for the next event it should range from the week after Thanksgiving and last until Christmas but the goals should be a lot larger to where its like 300 items for the first reward so my idea was to make us collect an item (candy canes) then on Christmas morning we would get the rewards and maybe a bonus *(platinum bars)* maybe from kaw to celebrate the season.

    thank you for your time :)
  2. Support but no platinum bars
  3. Hell no, way too long for an event
  4. It's Halloween and your taking about Christmas? Slow down man. No need to put your tree up yet.
  5. No support
    Will be hard for not be fairy.
  6. So your 'idea' is candy canes? That's not really an idea, it's just a rebranded collection item.

    Won't be new bars, and if there was it would be gold, jumping to platinum makes no sense.

    When is thanksgiving? Events shouldn't take too long, especially events centred around one nations holiday.
  7. Hint: collect 4 colored items again
  8. Well, do you like to collect 10 colors? :D
    oops, excuse me, devs, not my idea ;)
  9. I would probs eat the candy canes... Just sayin'