DO seal at black hand..

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by Bob_Sacamano, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Northlane: did you mean to say "autistic"?
  2. Blackhand know as gentle lol

    Next you'll be comparing them to carebears &!furbies
  3. A don't dropnseal for black hand and do drop seal for black hand.... Don't know what to pick lol
  4. Too many sensitive babies for the internet
  5. you seem kinda butthurt, have I stripped you before? 
  6. @0nesy

    Why were claiming you were gonna go after ppl after signing up for PvP?

    Must say that was quite amusing.
  7. :cry: no don't pls kot
  8. Well wasn't Black Hand an OSW clan?
    What happened?
    Got scared?
  9. Only conformed for the need of event.
  10. Of? Certainly not you bbcake. Come out and play
  11. BH is bae
  12. That green contrasts the purple text so well.

  13. For ever?
  14. It's like the joker has become a hot chick. It's both beautiful and destructive at the same time.
  15. Cool story bro
  16. Man you are full of yourself
  17. Agreed
  18. You dumbasses do realize that OP is indeed a guest and we did not commission him to write this thread... but take it how you want.
  19. If that's the case then there's no need to be assuring it...
  20. And apoc guys are all dumb they do think that all forums that get posted are related to them....

    Because whichever forum u take out and see half of them will be about apoc guys trolling there.... ;)