Lowland Wars - Open Beta Test

Discussion in 'Lowland Wars Open Beta' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 27, 2015.

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  1. Basically the players with the fastest internet win...???
  2. Decent war build meaning loading up on towers to turtle? Or like before when the guild hansel was the go-to war build and players lost hundreds of billions in their conversion (about the equivalent given the rate of inflation).

    I'd say you had it coming trying to find an easy mode.
  3. I'll jus be doing LL wars as a ps. Look at it as a way to try a diff build mech during betas
  4. It all comes down to players working together to keep this new system FUN instead of constantly figuring out ways to somehow exploit it and find some master build that will once again create a new meta game with only one situational use.

    If people find the exploits and glitches then point them out so balance can be achieved. But players these days thrive on the imbalances for their rewards, then everyone whines about the wars not being fun anymore. Derp?
  5. Is this going to be implemented into individual wars or just primal and round . I think indi wars should stay how they are otherwise buildings and bfa is pointless
  6. This better not end in the return of the damn RevHans, seariously, I hope that build type won't work anymore, no matter the tower %, since that build would dominate everythin and everyone
  8. Indis will stay as is.

  9. #Cyn4ValliantKnight

  10. That's great ty 
  11. You say it like lots of people play for ee...
  12. Glad to have you back cynder. These wars should be fun and hopefully any exploits are handled quickly rather than devs taking their own sweet time. I will try anything since I just like warring.
  13. Why not make opt in for each land so people can pick the tier they want to war in instead of just lowlands. It will give people more options
  14. Darts now I need a clan to play with this fun setting.
  15. I don't understand CynderStryke's claim that towers are an exploit? Can you explain that?

    I understand that some people don't like the fact that towered builds are harder to hit. I also understand that others don't like the fact that towers negatively affect your plunder on EB's so they don't like them for that reason. But that is the trade off for having static defense stats.

    So other than you don't like them because they negatively affect the way you would choose to war, can you explain why you hate towered builds?
  16. I agree wit joe opt in each land
  17. Quote me saying towers are an exploit.

    I didn't say that. Towers are the product of a new meta game of turtling. Which was why the Summer Wars of 2013 or whenever we're a pain in the ass. Everyone sat in pin and waiting for small openings to hit.

  18. Can't wait for the pre-war scout bombs whilst everyone tries to figure out what the opposing rosters hiding under their skirts 
  19. Sounds interesting so far!
  20. Can u add some extra rewardz for this war lyk seals/inf/aqua/bars much interesting:))
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