KaW Bondage Day should exist. On this day, the devs will make the only equipment you can equip, the Hystricidae Helmet. My idea is having it on the 1st of November, because hey. Who doesn't like a bit of bondage on their birthday? Right? Right? Right? Left? Wrong? Leavanny Supporters: Terra Jukesreflex iamdragongirl96 xAkitox PRIME Eggsy EVILDUCK999 Non-Supporters: ChuckNorris_TheGodOfWar Maallii Clumzeh-_-Flyen-_-Spidah -WinterKnight- Delta WeAreAnonymous
Also, perhaps the Hooves of Destruction must also be worn until the "Razor of Destiny" is purchased for $5.99 from the oracle
How about "I'll unsheath my stingpoint if you remove your breast plate" day? Or.. "Warbeast on your Cave of Riches" day Or or.. "Electric stormbow of immense pleasure" day.. Or or or! "Turtle wars" day?..
The Slipknot helmet is just to..well..Slipknot¿? Now Deathstalker ta get yer freak on..maybe? Nobody mentioned fun with Rime staffs? Or is this promoting someone's birthday...?? Hmmm...
Who doesn't like a little leather and a possible beat down? I hope you like it a little rough.. Support