Rooster inc.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Moose2, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. I'm flattered,

    -V- weren't you beaten by Annihilation? I could be wrong But I don't think I am.

    Just sayin
  2. Of course! Lol.-v- is always getting beat up.lmao
  3. If beaten is Yoshi adding more SDT on a regular basis to protect himself and then refusing to hit me back for weeks, then yes, I was beaten.

  4. Building STP is part of war -v-,so don't cry now.lmao
  5. I be building those STPs all day, Nothing beats some good STP
  6. Std ,my bad.still,lol!!!you're more pathetic than I thought. No wonder people don't stay with you
  7. Towers being part of war is the product of a meta game that has been heavily influenced by an incentivized pvp system.

    You'd know that had you actually played this game as long as YAFI and NA have been in osw
  8. Listen,if you're bored I can hit you along with beatin up Moose.just ask bro.lmao
  9. Yes, those stds are your bad. You've been spreading them around all of roosters inc and annihilation

  10. I have to agree on
  11. Great he's admitting STD's I'm gonna go get tested.

    How could RoyalB do this to me we had something special bro
  12. Lol!!!stupid auto correct. Sdt **Lmao!!!!!!!!!

  13.'s some Valtrex 

  14. I'm dying over here bro! You're killing me
  15.  that's probably from the AIDS
  16. K that legit made me lol
  17. Naw...not AIDS. Actually nothing at all. But, please, keeP it up. It's the best chuckle I've had all day 
  18. Congratulations Moose - you just reached a new low I would not expect from you.
  19. 
    Thanks for that V
  20. U think your good because your backed by apoc lmao