New Equipment Slots...

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Rep, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Will Keep It Short And To The Point-

    Devs Should Maybe Think About Adding New Equipment Slots instead of releasing event based equips just for the same Slots over and over again in a very short span of time..

    Reason- Will be something New(which everyone is craving)
    -Will Give Value To New Events and Competition among players for top spots will increase drastically
    -We won't feel bad about losing our very heard Earned equip just after 1-2 months to a more overpowered Event equip
    -Aqua, Inferno Might actually be useful since I haven't been able to max enchant my Equip From TFJ:1 and there is already an event with better equip For the same slot..
    Nearly impossible to get an equip to max enchanted state at the moment..

    Consider This Devs..You'll Actually Make More Money This Way..

    P.S. Players you already know devs aren't going to stop these b2b events..So better to try and make these events a bit more sensible Maybe...
  2. IMO theirs already enough slots don't need a Giant wheel of 20 different Items
  3. Hmmmm. I am slightly in support of this. Will think more on that idea
  4. I'm thinking new slots for pony tail bows, pinkie toe rings, underwear, and sunglasses
  5. New event item: Golden Underwear of Grieving?
  6. Im not a fan, so much equipment is already out i think itd just be weird to add more now...
  7. Rather have a pet
  8. Like a sabertooth tiger drop or something do a different pet every event we can send these pets to explore a dungeon a few times a day for rewards such as bb, aqua, inferno, special pet equip etc.
  9. Bat could be a spy send him to spy on your enemies cc.
  10. I support what grizzly said, that's not a bad idea at all, although KaW is getting pretty old now, no major major editions/changes are likely to happen, well that's my opinion you never know, but a "pet" like feature would be pretty cool id say!
  11. I think having pets would be awesome. Leveling them up through dungeoning or quests. Would be a good way to make quests relevant again. And devs could make cooler pet's cost $ 
  12. absolutely love this idea
  13. Full support, need a slot for a chastity belt.
  14. Support
  15. Amazing Idea..Needs A Thread For Itself tbh
  16. Crotch guard, full support!

    10 fingers. + 8 more ring slots.

  17. Thumbs are NOT fingers, you have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs, really hope you're not an adult if you are please don't breed.
  18. Hell yeah, support!
  19. Support!

    Need my ear rings.
  20. Why so bitter Boba? Fancy coming from a guy who's named himself after a character in a fantasy series. :lol:

    Either way, I'll bite.
    I believe the above adequately sums it up bub.