Ban The Player Above You

Discussion in 'Activities' started by Welcome_to_kaw, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Banned 4 not being a good human
  2. Banned for reasons that are lost
  3. Banned 4 not finding those reasons
  5. Banned for being a video game mask
  6. Banned for banning people
  7. Banned 4 quoting them
  8. Banned for using "4" instead of "for"
  9. ^banning myself for wasting time on reading this thread
  10. A necro bumped post farming thread.

    Where's a mod when you need one?
  11. Banned for insulting Moose!
  12. Banned for having the word sh*t in his name
  13. Banned for bypassing!
  14. Banned for banning other players that banned the person that was banned before them being banned.

  15. Banned 4 saying all that banned stuff
  16. Banned for getting lost in all those bans
  17. Banned for not being a clear sky
  18. Banned for being the product of a bat and a dog have intercourse